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Third time had better be a charm...


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
After this weekend's fiasco with Crazy Rack laying down on me, I was looking forward to making the next move. When I got out of bed yesterday, all I could think about was: "I need to be in the woods this afternoon." Around lunch time, I made a few calls and found out my afternoon looked a lot more clear than the skies did at the time, so I was woods bound! :)

After getting to the farm where Crazy Rack spends his days, I smoked up and loaded the old Honda up and headed for the front bean field. I decided to push forward from my current set-up about 100 yards and close the distance on CR and where I thought he was bedding. With the wind and wet leaves, I made a stealthy approach to my tree which was located on the bank of a steep ravine in an inside corner of the beans. Basically, as classic a staging area as you can find in the deer woods.

I decided to hang my stand face due east with the expectation that he would come from behind the tree and I could use the tree as cover. After getting situated, I read an article in North American Whitetail and then set about watching the woods. Around 5:45, I was getting a tad bit chilly, so I decided to go ahead and put my jacket on. If only I had known!!!

As soon as I got my jacket on, I turned to face my 12 o'clock for the first time in several minutes. (Remember, I'm thinking he is coming from behind my tree.) Instantly I catch movement and realize there is a deer at 50 yards directly downwind of me. Within seconds, I realize it was Crazy Rack and immediately I began thinking: "Where in the hell did he come from?" I still don't have the answer to that. My best guess is he was bedded in a false ravine where they did not plant beans, which meant I was moved in and set up less than 75 yards from him without alerting him to my presence. A quick check of the wind reminded me that I love the smoker and a peak through the Bushnells confirmed it was indeed CR.

As he milled around in the brush, I began to grow concerned he would not come past my set-up, so I reached in and grabbed the grunt call and softly grunted twice. Within 30 seconds, I could tell I had his attention and set back to await his arrival. As he edged out of the thicket, I quickly ranged the most likely shot opportunities realizing it would once again be a sub-30 yard game. As he neared the top of the ravine I was sitting next to, he turned and headed right towards my tree. One last range of the best lane I had read "21 yards" and I locked the Stan on the d-loop and readied myself for action...

The next thing I now, my bow goes off and my arrow is stuck 20' in a tree not 15 yards in front of me! "What the fuck?!? Shit!!! Get another arrow..." At the sound of the arrow hitting the tree, he took 3-4 steps and stopped in the brush. I quickly nocked another arrow as he slowly worked away from me in the brush. In an act of desperation, I grunted twice, but that only seemed to add a little pep to his step. Once again, I watched as Crazy Rack waved his white flag at me while he disappeared into oblivion.

So what happened? I shoot a super light release (a mouse fart will trigger this thing) and the combination of that and me making a rookie mistake cost me this deer. As I came to full draw and went to anchor, I caught the collar of my jacket with my thumb/release and it caused me to shoot before I was even close to being ready. It was a rookie mistake and one that will haunt me until I close the chapter on this season, particularly with Crazy Rack. I’ve had a relatively flawless bowhunting career and it was only a matter of time until I was reminded that bowhunting is ruled by Murphy’s Law. Again, I wanted to scream, throw shit, and cry, but all I could do was laugh and shake my head.

Somewhere along the line, I have built up some serious negative karma that I am now paying for in my quest for Crazy Rack and early season success. It’s only Day 5 of a long ass bow season, but it has already been the best and worst season of my career. I have never had a shooter in bow range before the last week of October and I’ve managed to do it in 2 of my first 3 hunts on this farm. I’ve always had a lot of self-doubt as a bowhunter because I don’t have the results to match the “wisdom” I have absorbed over the years. There are the haters on OS that consider me an armchair hunter and there is probably some validity to that perception of me. I have the book smarts so to speak, but not the success to match the knowledge I have gained over the years. Making that move last night was one that gives me some confidence that I am learning and I do have what it takes to makes smart decisions in the woods. The messed up part about it is, I lost a little confidence in the one thing I have never doubted and that was my performance in the moment of truth. It hurts to make a mistake that should not have happened. But what can you do? Climb back on the horse and bite the snake that bit you I guess…

So the next move was to pack up and get the hell out of there as soon as I could to avoid another spooking at last light. I moved the camera to the pinch point he walked through on his way to my stand as I left the woods. I’ll leave him be for a week or more and play the weather from here to the end of October. I’m going to let the camera tell me what to expect and let the weather dictate my intrusions into his territory. I know he did not see or smell me last night as amazing as that may be. He was not overly spooked and given his injury, I don’t anticipate him making any major changes to his routine. There will be a third meeting of the minds and I hope like hell it goes better than the last two! He fucked me once and I fucked myself once. Next time, I’m letting the Slick Tricks do the fucking!!! :D


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Dang Jesse.. At least you remembered your bow. Sucks that it went down that way. You'll get another crack at him though.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
When I read it, I see two successful hunts.

Armchair? Bullshit. You were out there.
Karma? Bullshit. It was a release/jacket.

If you get all mopey or quit...then you're an armchair pussy. But not until. And methinks you ain't quittin.

If he's wounded, he needs killin'. You'll get him, probably sooner than later. And my personal opinion is that sooner would be better, you seem to be on a roll getting in close proximity...get back out there quick if you can before he starts moving around or leaves.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio

I'm thinking its maybe not so much "bad" karma as a little "bitch slap" .

Hang with it. This one will mean a little more to you.

Great writing BTW. I really have enjoyed "tagging" along with you guys through your posts as I work down here on the drilling rigs. You and Dan have kept me going. I'm expecting Redcloud to connect soon too.
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*Supporting Member*
Great post. As much as it sucks to have something like that happen, maybe it will make you feel a little better to know that it helps people like me not get down on myself when things don't go right. This Saturday morning, I was at full draw on a doe at 15 yards and my arrow fell off the string! I was at full draw with an arrow dangling from the whisker biscuit. Somehow I had push the nock off while I was waiting for her to come in... Ridiculous. Thanks for all the details in your posts. They make us "newbies" feel better.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Great post. As much as it sucks to have something like that happen, maybe it will make you feel a little better to know that it helps people like me not get down on myself when things don't go right. This Saturday morning, I was at full draw on a doe at 15 yards and my arrow fell off the string! I was at full draw with an arrow dangling from the whisker biscuit. Somehow I had push the nock off while I was waiting for her to come in... Ridiculous. Thanks for all the details in your posts. They make us "newbies" feel better.

Are you sure you didn't overdraw the broadhead into the WB. That would pull the nock off the string like you described.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Shit buddy... that sucks royally. BUT, that kind of stuff happens and there's nothing you can do. Those moments like that will keep you honest. They let you know that no matter how good you are, or think you are, you can be put in your place just like anybody else.

That type of scenario is the only thing that scares me about hunting with my Stan. I lost 2 arrows when I first starting shooting it, and I sent an arrow into the wall in my garage by accidentally bumping the trigger. For shooting targets, I absolutely love the super light trigger setting... but I have stiffened it up a ton since hunting season started. I figure it's worth losing just a touch of accuracy if it gives me less chance of an accidental trigger.


Senior Member
0-2 thus far. Not to shabby there. If that was my story it would have ended with only one sighting of CR per year. In my world I get one chance to make it or break it. I don't have the luxury of getting that second chance. See how lucky you already are?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I have faith that the next time you have an encounter with CR you will drop him.

IDK about you but I know for me that when I fug something up on a shot it is because I didn't take my time and I tried to rush something. I have rushed the draw, the anchor point, and the shot and paid for it each and every time. I have to keep telling myself to SLOW down as that moment gets closer and closer and take a deep breath and start the process of shooting and not worrying about the deer until after the shot is done.

Best of luck buddy I'm pulling for you :D.

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
I think you will be ok, he will be back in that part of the woods again. You didn't spook him too bad. I would say seeing him twice in a row from the same stand, means your doing pretty damn good. I call that successful but thats just me.I am hoping to get out this weekend for the first time (due to coaching) and maybe monday morning!. I hope just to see a deer when I head out! Keep your head up and you will end up with CR in your truck bed!
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad I got to hear the story straight from the horses mouth last night. Just like the other guys, I am pulling for you and have confidence you will have success this season! If not CR, there is a buck with your name on it this year. Don't let it create doubt, let this situation create more drive, desire, and persistence to close the deal. Armchair hunter? Bull puckey! Just because some of us haven't put half a dozen P&Y or larger deer on the wall doesn't mean we are not serious hunters. There is a lot of luck involved, and you know that as well as any of us. Look at the buck in my avatar! You think there was much other than luck involved there? Other than common sense, scent control, and shot placement, the rest was luck! I had no idea he was in there. You are due and we are all rooting for you!


The Crew
Swanton, Ohio
0-2 thus far. Not to shabby there. If that was my story it would have ended with only one sighting of CR per year. In my world I get one chance to make it or break it. I don't have the luxury of getting that second chance. See how lucky you already are?

I am with you there! Most years I get one chance at a shooter. Last year was the exception and I was within range of three shooters. The law of averages say I probably won't get a chance at a shooter this year.

You'll put things together Jesse, have a little faith!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I got the text last night and almost fell of the couch.....

It will happen!! keep your head up and give him some time, let it cool off and you will be golden.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Great read and great move you made on CR! Just like chess, you made a couple of great moves and his king had one option to avoid checkmate. Shit happens Jess! It's happened to all of us at some point of our hunting careers. You'll bust his ass, just different day different locale...probably on the latter. He's been tipped off but not ran off, but give him some time and slip back in a kill the sum-beech. Goodluck and you know we're all pullin' for ya.


*Hims a Super Moderator*
BR - u sure ya doan ketch yur release on da arm of yur chair :smiley_devil::smiley_devil::smiley_devil::smiley_devil:

jus mess wif ya BR :smiley_deer:


Senior Member
With a week and a half, Jesse will have kilt this buck deers or will have throne his bow off the stand (should we start a new thread and poll to bet on which one?)

Jesse - what's his injury again, I forget? This is turning out to be a pretty epic hunt and I'm sure that you will cap him.