Saw a lease posted on craigslist this summer in Ashtabula county. Drove down from Mass to check it out and looked really good so we ended up picking it up from the farmer. Headed down at 3 am Friday morning and had some stands set up and we were hunting by 430 pm. Between the both of use we saw a doe with a fawn and 2 six pointers together. We didn't end up hunting Saturday morning because we needed to get a little sleep. Saturday afternoon 6 turkeys were seen but no deer. Sunday morning we saw a total of 8 does and a small buck. Sunday afternoon my buddy saw 2 does but they were 40 yards and he couldn't get shot. All an all it was a fun weekend. We had a shots at all 3 bucks, but let them walk because they were young. We also had shots at 2 of the does, but decided to let them walk because they had fawns with them. We found quite a few good trails and a fair amount of buck sign ( rubs and scrapes). Ended up forgetting the sd cards for the cams so unfortunately couldn't put them up. It looks like it may have a couple big bucks on it, but we'll have to wait till November to see.
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