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Thoughts on a .410


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There is no way a pellet has the some energy out of a 410 as there is out of a 12ga.

The pellets leaving a .410 are probably within a 100 or so fps of the pellets leaving a 12 gauge... the shot size is the same, so the weight of the individual pellets are the same. To me, it doesn't seem like 100 fps less speed would cause a noticeable difference in energy.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I looked at Winchester lead shotshells. 3" .410 were 1135 fps. 3"12 ga were 1210 fps. That is a 6% difference, so the pellets won't be exactly the same energy but within 6%. It is the # of pellets in the kill zone that make the difference and give the 12 the real advantage.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
When I was a youngster I had many a squirrel crawl after burning them with my .410. My gun had a modified barrel. If you have a full choke that would be a plus. I am sure that it has/can be done. I killed one at ten yds last year. I told my dad that it would of been a perfect opportunity for my boy with his .410. But the truth is,I don't think he could sit still enough to get one that close and I don't want to set him up for failure. Were going to wait a year or two or whenever he is ready for me to pass down my 20 Ga. Good luck and I hope he gets a chance to whack one.