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Tip's 2024-2025 Hunting Journal


Well-Known Member
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Grove City
Earlier in the year I put out some Bag R Buck mineral "drips". One is being hit ok...a small divot has been dug beneath it. Also went out and put some cameras up. That was a fiasco. The first one was set too high on the tree for the downhill slope and I got 25 pics of ears and heads. The other one "fell off the tree" due to shenanigans. A four foot long zip tie fixed that issue.

Ended up getting pics of this guy. Keep in mind this property is not managed and is an absolute free for all when it comes to hunting. So, I don't expect I will see this guy again.



Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Also made my annual donation to the ODNR. Three of us put in for 8 dove draws apiece. We got 1. That's a total of 48 opportunities over the two day opening weekend. We got 1. That's just freakin ridiculous.

But, Zach and I will be at Fallsville on opening day. Its better than fighting the mexicans at Deer Creek!


Well-Known Member
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Grove City
My stepson and I went out to Fallsville for our draw dove hunt this morning. The fog that rolled in just before sunrise made for an interesting time. Those birds were on top of us before we could see them coming. All in all had a very fun hunt. Left the field just before noon with 23 birds between us. Will post pics later.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Here's the field we hunted. Not much cover available because of the lack of rain. Super dry and dusty.


Here's a pic of my stepson after getting his first several birds of the morning.

And last, is a pic taken by Mr Greenjeans after checking us at the parking lot. Total of 23 birds taken!



Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Since we were stuck inside today, decided to make it productive. Took a little over 5 hrs to go from nothing to all cleaned up. Got about 35 lbs total. Will be smoking them tomorrow and hanging em on Sunday. For the first time in over 20 years I have no venison in the freezer. Feels bad.



Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Grove City
Haven't gone out for a sit yet this year. I just can't stomach the high temps or winds from the east. So today I went out and pulled my two cams, tossed out some minerals etc, and found a new spot for east winds. No clue if its any good, but I put up a cam and some corn in the new spot just to see whats there, when its there, and from what direction it arrives.

Then I looked at one of my other blinds and decided its location was suboptimal. Not because its a bad spot, but because the deer is likely to run off the property if shot with a bow. So, rather than wait until I have a dead deer I can't retrieve, I went down to the property owner's house where the deer is most likely to run. I figured its best to know if he'd let me recover it or not before sitting in the stand at all. I expected it to be a tense affair, with the guy being suspicious of my motives. I'd never spoken to him before and had no idea what to expect.

Turns out, he's a great guy who doesn't know how to hunt and is sitting on 130 acres. He offered me all kinds of help if I get one down and asked to be included in any recovery on his property or otherwise. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to hunt his property in return for teaching him how to bow hunt. We will see. Regardless, it went much better than I expected.

Looking forward to heading out on Monday evening after work. :)