I've never had a old deer taste strong or tough. I think how a deer dies is the most important thing. Kill em quick and they taste better than one that's been killed during a gun season drive and been gut shot then chased all over before killing it.
I've never had a old deer taste strong or tough. I think how a deer dies is the most important thing. Kill em quick and they taste better than one that's been killed during a gun season drive and been gut shot then chased all over before killing it.
There's truth in this I'm sure. I read one time about how hogs are killed and how that effect their tenderness. According to the article, every attempt is made to relax the hog as much as possible. They are also shielded from seeing the death of the hog in line in front of them. All of this is done to help with the quality of the meat. Btw, hogs aren't hung/aged either.