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To many deer odnr


Junior Member
Shout out to all my white privileged Honkies and Home Boys up in here,up in here!

Nothing better than receiving another dumbed down gas lite trophy being thrown out to the masses of deer hunters in the great state of Ohio!

Im out right now and already had 5 deer fall out of the tops of the tree’s because there just isn’t enough room for them to stay on the ground.

I figure in another year or two Squirrels will become extinct here in Ohio due to all the deer eating all the nuts and browse.

Poor things.

Y’all remember to only look one way or not at all when crossing a busy road and Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself.

This is a public service announcement!
It’s all true! Damn true!

Good luck out there and be safe!


Junior Member
My stupid suggestion would be to have a representative from each county elected by residents of the county .

The job would pay nothing they would be the voice of county hold a town hall each year then the ODNR makes a survey of proposals, residents of county come in vote on it then the rep Turns in votes and that’s how it goes.

No lobbyist etc etc let the boots on the ground have the say.

🤷🏼‍♂️ Regardless of it all I do me. I know what I have around me deer wise and try to keep it balanced to what I see .
If that means not taking a doe so be it if it means taking two does so be it.
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Dignitary Member
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Licking Co. Ohio
Yea.... gotta be so. I hunted last night and seen 1 doe.... 250 yds away.
Glenna has had 4 gallons of corn on the ground (where 1.5 bags would disappear nearly overnight) for 5 days!
2 bags of apples would disappear in 36 hrs....they been there 6 days.... and some left.


Junior Member
The woods
"Adding additional hunting days or seasons is not the answer because all it does is move harvest around,” Tonkovich says. “We need to set the seasons, bundle permits, create incentives by maybe making it cheaper. Or we could consider offering ‘earn a buck,’ where if you fill an extra doe permit, you can take an additional buck.”
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Doesn't matter what we say. Representative for each county wouldn't matter. Much like DC. . . They listen, smile, shake hands and nod. Then they do what they want.
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Junior Member
The woods
Farmers can organize, Insurance can organize, gun owners can organize. Yet for some reason Ohio hunters don't seem to be able to do so. If we organized and were thousands strong we would be heard. I cant say it anymore because I've already said it a dozen times on here. I know what I am saying is true but can't prove it because I've never been able to get enough people motivated, or perhaps I should say the right people motivated to take action. The defeating part to me isn't DOW, it's all the hunters who won't take any meaningful measures to make a difference and act defeated before they have even attempted any impactful actions. Venting online is nice between us, but isn't an impactful action. I just don't have any sympathy for deer hunters anymore, sorry not sorry. It hurts my head to read and watch every year. We have to be the most unintelligent group of knuckleheads on this planet collectively as deer hunters. That's why we deserve whatever it is we get, as deer hunters in Ohio.
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Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Agreed. All we want to do is turn on other hunters because of weapon, bait, shot placement, antler size or whatever else. The rooms to be heard in are empty because we suck. More people show up to a TOO event. Tonk said it best around the campfire.
Having worked in the conservation / advocacy space for 7 years at one point in life I would agree. In general, hunters are the worst at organizing and agreeing on anything. Most hunters just want to hunt and not get involved, especially in something political… and whether we like it or not, hunting is political.


Well-Known Member
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Grove City
Agreed. All we want to do is turn on other hunters because of weapon, bait, shot placement, antler size or whatever else. The rooms to be heard in are empty because we suck. More people show up to a TOO event. Tonk said it best around the campfire.
THIS!! Way too much bitching about how other people hunt and what they kill to actually come together on something.
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Senior Member
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Walbridge oh
Ok who's leading the charge ? What's the first step? It takes half a spring and a whole summer to get strouds figured out so this could take a while lol.