Some big changes's all in that one article what they plan to do in the future. 2 bucks and more opportunities.
Most people here probably don't understand your post. Reading it with your giggles between lines has me rolling!
I like you!Award? You can get 10% off of you car insurance when you fill a deer tag and switch to Geico.
Having worked in the conservation / advocacy space for 7 years at one point in life I would agree. In general, hunters are the worst at organizing and agreeing on anything. Most hunters just want to hunt and not get involved, especially in something political… and whether we like it or not, hunting is political.Agreed. All we want to do is turn on other hunters because of weapon, bait, shot placement, antler size or whatever else. The rooms to be heard in are empty because we suck. More people show up to a TOO event. Tonk said it best around the campfire.
THIS!! Way too much bitching about how other people hunt and what they kill to actually come together on something.Agreed. All we want to do is turn on other hunters because of weapon, bait, shot placement, antler size or whatever else. The rooms to be heard in are empty because we suck. More people show up to a TOO event. Tonk said it best around the campfire.
Same place I seen it. Some disturbing stuff in there. NR leasers dream.Popped up on my phone feed.
Wanted: More deer hunters
Dealing with deer: Engaging youth, changing kill limits and allowing crossbows are some of the actions by states to increase deer
In all honesty, the spring is tied up with Paint Creek gathering…..Ok who's leading the charge ? What's the first step? It takes half a spring and a whole summer to get strouds figured out so this could take a while lol.