I really wouldn't know what to do without a vice. When I stop one, another increases. Between smoke, chaw, and booze, I'm always doing something!
I really wouldn't know what to do without a vice. When I stop one, another increases. Between smoke, chaw, and booze, I'm always doing something!
You'd think after wrecking on a quad when I was 12 and swallowing a mouthful of Rough Country that lead to two hours of puking in the woods would've done it for me, but...
That reminded me of the time we went over to Canada to the titty bar while up at college. I had a couple drinks and thought I needed something to cut the alcohol smell so I threw some Kodiak in. Of course as we are going over the bridge back into the Soo and before customs I asked for a bottle so I could spit....no bottles. So I did the smart thing and swallowed it. Made it back and headed to a sorority party and as soon as I walked in the heat hit me!! I thought I needed a beer to take that feeling away and my first gulp was of real warm beer!! Barely made it out off the front porch and puked all over the rail and off the porch. I stood off to the side for a bit catching my breath and soon some kid walks out to take a piss off the porch and puts his willy into the puke all over the railing...LMFAO!! That was a long night LOL!!