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TOO 2010-2011 Daily Hunting Log


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Steve- Good write up. Sorry you didn't get him.

My last two days. I had watched a nice 8pt (possibly 9pt) once in the evening and again the next morning. Couldn't get out that evening to hunt (Friday). Setup Saturday morning with a doe decoy. Watched does and several small bucks chasing. NEver saw the guy I wanted. My deductions: He is currently locked down with another doe or else he would have chased off the smaller bucks. Guy that lives next to the property said he has been seeing him regularly. Hunted a different stand on the other side of the property last night. One small buck paid no attention to the decoy. A doe with her twins just wouldn't commit. I had no shots available. I think the decoy in the stand I hung Thursday afternoon is the stand I will kill him out of. Just need to try it again tomorrow morning if I get a chance. He will be back through there when he is done breeding.

Observations: They are moving. They are in between breeding and seeking the next doe. Activity is either groups of does or single does depending upon whether they have been bred yet or not. Small bucks are wearing themselves out right now. The mature bucks seem to be either visible or MIA. Matter of time. I am learning a lot, just not connecting. Give me a mature doe and I would be happy right now. Give me a mature buck and I would be ecstatic!


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Dante is going to take his daughter in the morning with the muzzy and I hope she bags one.

it was a very exciting and amusing morning. At daybreak she spotted a doe on a ridgline about a hundred yards from us, but in her excitement of seeing a deer she forgot to pick up her gun. a couple hours later another doe came running in behind us, as it passed, it turned and circled around a hill behind us. I knew it had slowed to a walk as it got behind the hill and that it had to be standing over there, so I asked Chelsea if she wanted to walk around there and see if we could sneak up on her. She said yeah and as we stood up she asked if she should bring the gun.:smiley_confused_vra:smiley_blink:

needless to say we decided to bring the gun with us. as we worked our way over the top of the hill I spotted the doe standing about 50 yards down the other side, she was looking our direction but I dont think she spotted us. I knelt down and told chelsea to put the barrel of the gun on my shoulder as a rest. unfortunately she couldnt see the deer. so we decided to move a little closer to a small tree that had a branch about the right height for a rest, so I could move around behind her and help her find the deer. as soon as we moved the doe picked us off and bolted. as she crossed in front of us from left to right I kept expecting to see the gun barrel come up but she was just in such awe that I dont think it even occured to her she was supposed to shoot at it.

we went back out in the evening with adam and capt ernie but didnt see anything.

This morning I couldnt get her out of bed so I decided to grab the bow and go. If she would have been with me she could have taken a nice 6 point at first light, (it came in with the doe I missed) when I got home and told her that she asked if we could go this evening. bet she dosent miss a chance to go again.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Glad she had a good time yesterday Dante. I hope she gets back out this evening and gets a chance at one. If she connects I think she will be hooked and you will have a new hunting buddy :D.
Did you get to try out your new climber spot this morning finally ?

I paid my due this morning (church with the wife and 2/3 of the kids) so I will be heading out this evening. Just not sure where to sit lol. I think the sunshine will help with the deer moving today. Yesterday was overcast all day and they just hunkered down tight.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Well. After 105 hrs. since my last sighting of deer from my stands I finally seen 2 doe tonight lol.

They came in just as I was about to climb down at last light. Some other people that had gotten to our main farm before us tonight bumped them as they was getting down to head out of the woods. Not sure who him/her or they where ( only seen the green cap light shinning) since this was the first time I had seen that truck there this season. Gotta love it when gun season gets close lol.

Walked out of the woods at dark since I had to wait for the doe to finish walking away. If they would have been about 10min earlier I would have had one of them in the truck. Got to the field edge and seen Dante and his daughter standing there waiting up for me. We all 3 started heading down the field to the trucks and it was DARK but with the bright moon I happened to see a deer shape come out of the fencerow and into the field. We skylined the deer and could tell it was a buck but it was small. Might have been that 6pt Dante seen this morning.

So as of this evening my bad no sightings from the stand streak was finally broken :D. Come on Thursday morning lol :D.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Glad you ended your streak Adam.

My day started with spotting a truck parked next to my buddy's property. I investigated and found we have another trespasser. Got home and missed church. The Mrs was not pleased. I started to clean the house in preparation for Thanksgiving dinner we are hosting. Bathrooms, mopped kitchen, wiped kid's finger prints off the walls, etc. Daughter had a b-day party to attend and I was home with Garrett. My buddy called and tells me the guy trespassing called to request permission to recover his deer. Talk about balls. My buddy called him out and said I watched him walk in. He claims he was hunting a property 1/2 mile west of where he parked. Later admitted to walking through my buddy's property. Guess I won't get a crack at the 8pt I was setting up on. He described the deer perfectly. Friggin' sucks.

I ended up getting out late and hunting my neighbor's property I had not yet hunted this year. I passed on a button buck and. . . to be continued.


Senior Member
Slept in this morning, apparently I needed - woke up at 12:30.

Went out this afternoon to scout and move a stand. Little to no sign - and 2 trespassers in a ground blind gun hunting. I wasn't sure what to do, was texting my buddy the landowner who wasn't backing me...and I hear the quads rip through. I guess thats the way to take care of them, I'm sure they think I saw them and called my buddies on the quads and got them to disrupt them. Oh well. I sat for about an hour after both parties left, didn't even see a squirrel, moved the stand and left.

Headed out tomorrow, we'll see what happens.


Junior Member
Took my 17 yr old son hunting for his final youth hunt. I chose to put him in the ladder stand that I have had success out of the past two youth seasons. We set up about 6:45 am Saturday and waited for the sun to come up. I hear something walking and catch movement on the main path throughout the property, I see a deer my son said. I grabbed the grunt tube and doe grunted. He turned and comes straight up the valley and is standing about 50 yds from my Son, I whisper to him take him when you have a shot. BAM the deer jumps and runs even closer... about 25 yds now. I whisper to my son one more time...BAM.. the deer was down right there. It all happened so quickly, I congradulated him and looked at my watch... jeesh its only 7:10, that took a whole 30 minutes... Pics to come soon of my son and I and his 9 point buck
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Junior Member
I then woke up with my 15 year old Son Sunday. He has never deer hunted but last week sometime he said "Dad I would like to try it" So the plan was on. We set up in the same stand and we settled in awaiting daylight. Not as eventfull as yesterday so he and I whispered quietly about school, friends, and girls.. As we are talking about the movie he saw last night he looses expression and says Dad.. there is a deer standing right there.. I say where? I look over my shoulder and see the 6 pointer coming our way.. I tell him to get the gun up and get ready. He does and keeps looking up at me... when can I shoot? I say to him let him come. He makes it to about 50 yds and turns broadside and I say shoot him. He settles the gun and BAM, deer hops a couple times.. I say to him missed, He trys again BAM.... miss number 2. The deer hustles into the thicket but he manages to get one last shot off and the deer bolts. I look at him and he is shaking, smiling ear to ear and I say to him great job but I think we need to check and verify that you did or did not hit him on the last shot. We waited about 30 minutes and followed the kick ups for about 50 yds with no blood. After lunch he wanted to take a nap so I told him no problem but lets be back in around 1. I woke up at 1:25 and we drove back to the property 5 minutes away. As we pull in the land owners were outside looking up the hill. I jump outta the truck and they say there he is.... I grab the binos and it was the 170+ inch deer sneaking away up the hill towards our stands... DAMN . My son and I get our shit together and ease into the valley to the stands. Didnt see him again all night or another deer for that matter but he enjoyed the sit watching squirrels and birds and couldnt stop talking about the size of the buck on the hillside. I think he is hooked!!!


Junior Member
He and I at the scene...

Me, My Son and his Grandpa

Son and his buck



Senior Member
Steve- Good write up. Sorry you didn't get him.

My last two days. I had watched a nice 8pt (possibly 9pt) once in the evening and again the next morning. Couldn't get out that evening to hunt (Friday). Setup Saturday morning with a doe decoy. Watched does and several small bucks chasing. NEver saw the guy I wanted. My deductions: He is currently locked down with another doe or else he would have chased off the smaller bucks. Guy that lives next to the property said he has been seeing him regularly. Hunted a different stand on the other side of the property last night. One small buck paid no attention to the decoy. A doe with her twins just wouldn't commit. I had no shots available. I think the decoy in the stand I hung Thursday afternoon is the stand I will kill him out of. Just need to try it again tomorrow morning if I get a chance. He will be back through there when he is done breeding.

Observations: They are moving. They are in between breeding and seeking the next doe. Activity is either groups of does or single does depending upon whether they have been bred yet or not. Small bucks are wearing themselves out right now. The mature bucks seem to be either visible or MIA. Matter of time. I am learning a lot, just not connecting. Give me a mature doe and I would be happy right now. Give me a mature buck and I would be ecstatic!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thanks for the reminder Diablo. Truth be told, I don't think this deer was very old. Hahaha I think 3.5yrs is max age on him.


Senior Member
Season Tally 2010-2011

AM Hunts - 1
PM Hunts - 4
All Day hunts - 1
Hours in the field - 31
Average Outing - 5.16
Properties Hunted - 3
Deer sightings: 8
DPH (Deer per Hour) - .25

Rookie Mistakes - 1
Misses - 1
Harvests - __

Small game hunts - 2
Squirrels - 3

Well, did an all day hunt today - that's a lot of time! I actually got to thinking that though I've had intentions of doing an all-day hunt before, this was actually the first time I've ever done it. This morning was VERY windy. I bumped a deer from under the stand on my way in...bummer. Didn't see anything. Walked out to the road at 1130, met up with Adam, scouted the other side of the woods (I've never been over there), smoked up again and sat. I had the choice of hunting a stand Adam just hunt or a log ground blind. I picked the blind because quite frankly I was sick of treestands at that point! Sat with the squirrels until 5 with a deer finally showed up - a 6 point came down the hedgerow in out in the field to my northwest at 100 yards... I knew he was either come to me in the corner or keep a straight line and go under Adam's stand...he did the later. DUDE - TOO bad you weren't sittin there tonight. Considering that this is the second night in a row that he's been in that field at dark, I'd say he's gettin arrowed by someone soon!

Saw another deer jump across the road when I pulled my truck out (that one doesn't get counted in the tally even though it was headed towards the woods I came out of).

Taking tomorrow off from hunting, good buddy of mine needs some help with some oil rigs.



Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Glad you got to see some deer out there Steve. Sucks none of them gave you a chance at a shot but seeing them out there lately has been just as good a goal lol. Maybe during muzzy season that buck will do the same thing and you can crack him then :D.

As far as the deer going under my stand when I'm not in them. Seems to be a common thing here lately lol. I pick one stand and they show up at another stand site lol. Oh well. We will get on the same page one day :D.


Senior Member
I had put this in the wrong thread, hunted 3.5 hrs yesterday, saw 2 doe at 50 yrds or so. They love coming up behind you don't they....

Good to see ya Milo!