I apologize for not having pictures of everything currently. I have done nothing but plow snow the last month and a half. Will do my best to make it to the taxidermists and take some this weekend.
Team Friggin' 3!
Buck: 10pt
Points: 14
Rt base: 4 3/8
Left Base: 4
Longest tine: 9"
Longest Main Beam: 20 1/8"
Inside Spread: 14.5"
TC Bonus: 5
Total score: 81pts
I should have my doe and youth bonus already added if not mistaken.
Here is a picture of the scoring mess I had scribbled down. It is inaccurate in regards to how you actually score a deer (thanks for bursting my bubble Kaiser :smiley_blackeye:rotflmao) but all the numbers (plus a few extra mass measurements) are there. Tag picture was never really meant to be posted like this. It is the only one I have of the tag which shows my name. I took that picture to send to a buddy with the message "I am not eating my tag this year." Hope these work. Like I said, if you need more pictures I will do what I can.