This story has a special place to me and I’ve never commented until now. As I sat in the blind this evening with one of my own kids, this was on my mind. The trial and error, joy and misery, good times and bad, pursuit and failures that come with deer hunting is really something learned. Not anything you can read about. Something you have to live through to really understand. As I looked at my daughter I wasn’t sure if I was spoiling her and setting her up for failure. I will continue to do what I can to have fun with her and let her learn the ropes. I know it’ll crush me when she starts to learn the bad times, probably more then her.
Jesse, we’ve all said great things over the years about your ability to put thoughts to paper. This is no exception and has rendered me speechless for years. You also have a great ability to listen to others and keep an open mind. I seriously look forward to your retirement days when you have more time to put together life and share it with others. You have a gift.
After years of avoiding comment, I’m not sure I shared much more then a ramble, but it’s all I got. Take it for what it’s worth.
Life is about lessons, some hurt more then others.