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TOO & Much More on The Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast


Staff member
This was a fun podcast and I want to thank @SheddingLightTravis for inviting me on his podcast. Travis and I met for the first time in 2017-2018 while serving on a committee that was working on development issues in a local community we're both vested in. On this episode, we discuss the usual hunting stories, including Kaydence's buck from this year and there are plenty of shoutouts for TOOzers on here, including @at1010, @Boarhead, @Jamie, @brock ratcliff, and a couple of internet forum OGs no longer with us.

But... this episode has a curveball. I talk about being an agnostic. For years, I've thought about sharing more about my spiritual journey and my existence in the "middle ground", and Travis was kind enough to give me this opportunity. For those that are not aware, Travis is the Family Life Minister at a local church and his mission with Shedding Light Outdoors is one that's faith-based, so he's the perfect person to have this discussion with. We go deep into what it means to be a good human being and leaving things better than you found them. And we sandwich that between a couple of great deer hunting tales!

My hope is that this conversation speaks to your heart, no matter where you fall on the "faith spectrum" and I feel like Travis did an excellent job wrapping things up. In fact, he nailed it. I'm no fool and I know the woods are good for my soul :cool:

Enjoy the listen and be sure to subscribe to the Shedding Light Hunting Stories Podcast. You'll find it in all the same places you find the TOO Podcast.

Ep. 177 The Episode With No Name with Jesse Roush


*Supporting Member*
Man I loved the podcast. I have so much to comment but not time at the moment, nor do I have the ability to articulate all the feelings it brought to light.

awesome job Jesse!! As always.
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Jesse, I enjoyed listening too the podcast. Listening too you and seeing you progress from where we first encountered each other on the other site vs where you’ve progressed through life, it’s an amazing journey buddy! 👍🏼
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Just cared to let you know that I just completed listening to the podcast episode. I really enjoyed it, nice job! Your honesty and openness is commendable too!