I need to hear the turtle story since I missed it last time we got together. I may have heard it, but if I did it was in my coma and it's buried in my subconscious somewhere.
I need to hear the turtle story since I missed it last time we got together. I may have heard it, but if I did it was in my coma and it's buried in my subconscious somewhere.
Who you bringing Jeff? It'd be good to meet you finally, and I'm sure you'd enjoy a good weekend with the guys from TOO! Takes your mind off of any problems you may have, if only for a short period of time!Still not sure if we can make it, work is crazy right now. Been out on the rig 4 weeks this Tuesday. Little scary right now in the Oil Field with the way gas prices are. Good for you guys, bad for anyone employed in the oil field.
Keep Yens Posted.
I need to hear the turtle story since I missed it last time we got together. I may have heard it, but if I did it was in my coma and it's buried in my subconscious somewhere.
You were busy playing Lt. Danrotflmao
Sooo, Who got the honor of tucking Cotty in?
It was a group effort to revive him, and he did well. That's all that matters.
One thing about this group is we may do some drinking, but only Joe gets ridiculous. lmao And that doesn't happen until about 2AM, so if you're up for it, you chose to witness his stand up routine. LOL
It's a flawed tale....turtles have claws.
Are you stipulating that by having claws turtles can climb?
Complete opposite as discussed at Cottys Pub
So if they can't climb, what might a turtle say to itself when encountering a downed tree across it's path? A long ditch? A street side curb after crossing a busy road? Or simply a large rock in the way.
So if they can't climb, what might a turtle say to itself when encountering a downed tree across it's path? A long ditch? A street side curb after crossing a busy road? Or simply a large rock in the way.