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TOO Summer Gathering July 24th - 26th.


Staff member
@MoonLab it'll be interesting to see what it is given the issue we had jumping my truck. Hate to hear about it, especially cause I was worried for a minute today.

Finally unpacked, shit, shaved, shit again, and showed. Feel like a new man. As always, I had an awesome time and it was more needed and appreciated this year, than any other time. The laughs, the food, fire, and good times shooting and playing games was therapeutic. My soul needed this weekend.

Many thanks to @jagermeister for the amazing frog legs, @Mike for one of my favorite treats with his pierogies, and @Dannmann801 for the breakfast of champions! You other guys killed it with salsa, salmon dip, fish, fried pickles, and fruit pizza. Hard to believe, but this was one of our better events for food. Everything was on point!

I appreciate everyone taking the time to hangout and celebrate TOO's 10th anniversary. We did it up right!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I found them. For some reason they saved for the times he took the pics, not when I saved them. (Smart phones...psh)

Hims badass boys!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
45 minutes from home and Chad calls. I knew before I answered something was wrong. Had to turn around and go all the way back to pick him up. Finally home, showered and unpacked. Had a great time as always. Weather was great. Company was even better.


As far as breaking down goes it was pretty lucky. He was about 40 minutes from the camp when I saw him 5 minutes after he pulled over. I saw the truck pulled over then saw the white TOO sticker. He was only about 1.5 miles from Jims' house, if it broke down a couple of miles further I wouldn't have seen him. After talking to him I went down to Jim's to grab a trailer, the one with a wench was loaded with frames so I grabbed Jim and a chain off the forklift. I only had to pull it a mile and a half and one right turn.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like a success. Glad you all enjoyed it. Hope the truck is an easy fix. Got to bed at 530am today after racing last night. Looks like I missed a good one. The Dannman breakfast sammiches are always a hit along with the frog legs and. . .and. .and everything is always a hit on the food front. Dang.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Famous ummmm what, moments of mine.

“I have the weebles but I don’t have the wobbles”

“All I needed was a little tool in my life”

“You guys are just like my friends”

“A guy was shot here a week ago”

The dog scream that sounded like a rooster in a jailhouse.

And obviously the things on repeat for ever reply.


“Hims Badass boy”

Nows it’s Monday and I’m 2 minutes from acting like an adult again. #fuckmeright?