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Tough times


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
My thoughts and prayers go out to you.
I know what its like to have that type of worry for a wife.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I spent most of the day out working in the yard today and I don't feel too bad right now, just a little dizziness. Just got done shooting the bow and I am hitting right where I need to, which is a big relief, hey maybe I can still do this under the circumstances! I am not going to give in at all costs, thats for sure.

I am going to take my son out behind the house tonight and sit in our ground blind overlooking my 2 acre corn patch. The funny thing is that I have been seeing more deer in my back yard than I have in my best hunting spots! There have been 2 different bucks living in that corn patch including a real nice 2-1/2 year old 7 pointer. He has been within 10 yards of the blind on 3 different occasions in the last week or so. The first time he came in I had my 5 year old daughter sitting with me and she kept telling me to shoot him. What I am really hoping for is a big fat doe to walk out of there tonight so I can fill one of my antlerless tags. Going to be in the blind by 6:30 and will sit till we cant see any more.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Dang buddy. Sorry to hear this. Just keep you head up buddy, keep the family in high hopes and I pray everything work out for the good. I'll be thinking about yall man.


Dignitary Member
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Gods Country
Very sorry to hear about what you and the family are going through. Keep to the faith and pray hard. Prayer changes things. We will be sure to keep both you and your wife in our prayers.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Thanks for all the kind words guys.

Things happen for a reason I truly believe, so we will be patient and something good will come of this.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Gern, I hope you dont mind me asking, but with your wife being so young, how did she find out?
I was telling my wife about this and that is the first thing she asked. She also sends prayers your way.

She had a lump in the upper right breast that was seemingly getting larger. Her doctor told her initially that it was probably nothing to worry about since she was so young, and that it could be from caffeine and stress at work.......... I kept an eye on it and knew it was growing, so I really made her get to the doctor to get it checked out for sure. The very day she had a mammogram and they sent her in for a biopsy. 2 days later we found out the bad news. The bad thing is that since it was growing for a while, it spread through her lymph nodes and into her liver, spine, and ribs. She is taking hormone therapy right now for the next 3 months and then another PET scan will be done to see if there are any changes in the cancer locations. Her cancer is fed by estrogen, that's the reason she had to have the ovaries taken out.

Have your wives checked out guys, even if there is nothing noticeable and especially if they are on some type of birth control.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I can't believe doctors just blow stuff off the way they do. I truly feel horrible for both of you and the rest of your family. Hopefully the treatments go well and she can beat this.
I went through this twice with my mom. In 1991 she had her kidney removed because of cancer. Last spring, we found out that very same cancer (renal cell) spread to her lung. She had a lobectomy to remove the upper lobe of her lung and is still going strong at 70. She has never smoked or drank in her life. It is just the hand she was dealt. Cancer is a roller coaster ride. The bad news will come, then the good news, then the bad, etc... The best advice I can give to you is to stay strong and positive. For your wife? Be a fighter!!!
I truly hope everything works out for the both of you.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I still cant believe that with the technology we have right now, that they cant come up with some kind of cure or aid besides radiation therapy....These poor people that have to be just riddled with cancer is horrible.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I can't believe doctors just blow stuff off the way they do. I truly feel horrible for both of you and the rest of your family. Hopefully the treatments go well and she can beat this.
I went through this twice with my mom. In 1991 she had her kidney removed because of cancer. Last spring, we found out that very same cancer (renal cell) spread to her lung. She had a lobectomy to remove the upper lobe of her lung and is still going strong at 70. She has never smoked or drank in her life. It is just the hand she was dealt. Cancer is a roller coaster ride. The bad news will come, then the good news, then the bad, etc... The best advice I can give to you is to stay strong and positive. For your wife? Be a fighter!!!
I truly hope everything works out for the both of you.


yes a rollercoaster ride is exactly what it is..... you get bad news, then good news, more bad news again! My wife is very tough mentally and even physically. I feel that she is doing as good as anybody could possibly do right now under the circumstances. I don't even want to tell you guys how hard this is not only for her but for me....we have a son that's going to be 8 in about 3 weeks and a daughter that is only 5. Getting out in the woods is the best therapy right now, even though it is on limited time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Prayers have been done and will continue. The power of prayer is a great thing. Let some friends lay hands on the family...



Ass Regulator
Just saw this Gern, I feel for ya man...my wife went through a similar ordeal when she was 38,,,now a 15 year survivor...hang in there for her, it's a tough situation, not being able to take the pain, suffering and fear away, men are "fixers" and this is something you can't just fix...my best advise is to be there with her, make it a "team" fight...it doesn't sound like much but your support is so important, just being there with her for her appointments and treatments will mean so much to her it's unbelievable. Be her rock...let me know if I can do anything for you guys or if you'd like to talk...

Tree Monkey

NW ohio
Chad hope all is well!! and getting better! Been praying for your wife and family. If you ever need any thing call me! I will help you out in any way!....I gotta feeling every thing is going to work out in the end and you and your family will be rewarded!! Stay strong