Bittersweet day so far. 6 of us headed out to our best spot and sure enough, we ran 14 deer out. Only 3 guys with buck tags. One of them wounded a decent 8 point. It split off with another buck and crossed the road into an open field and bedded down. We watched for awhile and the other buck ran off and this one could only go 20 yards then he would bed. We decided my buddy would try to use the terrain to sneak up and finish him off. It all worked perfect until his Savage 220 failed to fire again (junk POS). So the buck eventually made back across the road to the section we just pushed. We set everyone up again and myself and a buddy pushed it out to them again. It worked perfect. Right at the end of the push a lone buck runs out right past him and he hammers him dead at 60 yards. Except when we walk up to him it wasnt the same buck. This was a smaller 6 point. This guy is a new hunter and never really looked at the deer as he was running through the brush. We never expected any other deer to be in there considering we just went through it. He is happy with it, but now we have a buck somewhere that is busted up good. Problem is, 1 of the buck tags had to go home to bed and go to work in a few hours, and our other guy went to the ER with chest pains. So saying some prayers for him now and worrying about that buck later.