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Turkey Research Study - Letter to the Editor

I read an article in the Ohio Outdoor News (paper edition) about how the Ohio chapter of NWTF is allocating $50,000 to the Ohio DNR Wildlife Division and the Ohio State University for a research study, about the declining turkey populations. My first thoughts were, that's nice. 🙄 Can they not see the forest for the trees? 🤔 Anyway...I've contacted Mike Moore in the past about such issues and received a good response. A few of my articles have been published.
I thought I'd paste a copy of the letter that I sent, for everyone on this forum to read and offer your thoughts/opinions. :cool:
Mike Moore,
The latest issue of Ohio Outdoor News has an article about the Ohio chapter of NWTF allocating "$50,000 to support a new turkey research study that seeks to address population declines in the state." I understand that their "heart" is in the right place, in trying to find the reason(s) for the population decline and honorable that they're donating a huge amount of money to do so. However, I see this as "can't see the forest for the trees". 🤔
Understandably, we can't control the weather elements and their effects on nesting success. What we can control, is the racoon population. I've never had anyone rebut this idea.... Open a 3 year, No Closed Season, No Limit for racoon. Everyone knows they are nest raiders! Everyone also knows the racoon population is out of control.
I made a bet with a guy that was traveling to Bluffton, from Lima and back, for a soda. Push the reset on the tripometer to zero every time you see a dead coon on the road. If you go over 10 miles without seeing a dead coon, I'll buy you a soda. He said he was approaching the 10 mile mark at one point and didn't make it. :ROFLMAO: My point is that there's too many coons.
Back to my original thread... If the State would impose such a No Closed Season, as I recommend and after the 3 year period they see an increase in the turkey population, problem solved. 👍 At that point, it could be decided whether to continue the season as is or amend it to a lesser degree. Either way, this is a No Cost idea for the State DNR and no loss to the wildlife balance. 💯

** I have yet to approach the State DNR with this idea, other than mentioning it to local Game Wardens, but I feel that it fell on deaf ears. I have thought about attending a District Game Meeting/Hearing and offering the idea there. It might be a matter of submitting it to the "right person" to get past the "ney sayers" and egos that think it's a bad idea, since they didn't come up with it. 🙄

Any way, here's my "food for thought", for your next article, if you choose.
Sincerely, Daniel Mathewson
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
I think the season is a great idea, I mean what could it hurt? I think the problem is a lack of desire to hunt and kill them. Running coondogs is a dying sport in Ohio and has been for a long time. Deer hunting has all but killed any access these guys had due to people not wanting "my deer" ran off. Outside riding around in a truck with a rifle and a spotlight shining trees there's not a real good way to hunt them. So while I think it's a great idea I question if it will receive the participation required to make an impact.
I agree that getting anyone to go for a walk thru the woods with a head lamp and bust coons, is going to be the task. 🙄 Hunting coons is just that simple too. As soon as the see/hear you walking into the woods, they'll head up a tree and stare back at you...waiting to get shot. :sneaky: All I need is a red light head lamp and I'm in business. My suppressed 17HMR would wipe them out with ease. :cool:
Savage 17-1.jpg