i think a good hunting show would be hunting public land, or even private land from somewhere in the hunters area of hometown, shoot a few does on one episode, a buck on the next, some turkey hunting, maybe a lil predator hunting, show what calls work, scents and attractants that actually work and not just cause you get paid 40,000 to mention there product, do reviews, stuff that us average everyday hunters look forward to, hunting a fenced in area isnt really a fair chase, do hunts without guides, hell two of my deer last year were shot without any camo any scent cover and had a chew in while i was hunting and both shots were under 40 yards. all of us each have a different way of hunting that works for us all, unlike hunting shows where they all have the exact same set up, story line, and location, we need a peoples hunting show. i cant say the hunters on tv aint hunters cause they went along way to get where they are now and are ten times a better shot then me by far, but i think tv gets to alot of them and forgets how it hunting in the real woods and not a fenced in piece of land. imo of course