Well it was fun catching up with this. Hard to believe it’ll be 4 years of retirement this May. Did a hiatus from life tour again this year. A buddy of mine that I worked with retired before Xmas and he and I took off January 16 and were on the road for 5 weeks. We headed out too Arizona and worked our way back slowly through the southern part of the country.
All in all we hit 23 states and spent time in Arizona, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and West Virginia. Visited a half dozen former coworkers and friends who both my buddy and I have worked with or have known.
Go at home 2 weeks ago and then took off last week with the boat in tow too drop it off in Tennessee too get a new trailer built for it as well as redoing the carpeting in the boat. The marina is a dealer of the trailers that the boat manufacturer uses. The boat and trailer should be done the end of March and when done I’ll swing by and get it, then head too lake Norman in North Carolina for our annual fishing trip there. Looking forward too seeing the upgrades.
Looking forward too the upcoming fishing season, did some fishing in Florida and had some luck. Hopefully it’ll be a sign of things too come...