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Welcome Beentown


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Nice to see you again.

I appreicate your intrest in mechanical things. (and gun porn)

Lets have some fun driving that thread post count up! :smiley_crazy:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I was here on the first day. Just wasn't able to get back on. My wife and I started two new businesses this week (insert crazy smilie). Thanks for the welcomes guys.


The girls are actually getting annoying with it. Had to hold off because of age and I just invested $15k in the businesses. Hold on gotta swallow the puke in my mouth....little nervous.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Welcome aboard Beentown. Glad to see you around. I know exactly what you mean about the nervousness of starting something new. It is very shaky at times and can make you lose some sleep for sure. If you are interested at all I have some close friends that are very experienced (not saying you are not) in building businesses from the ground up. I just know that it is good to have some other people to bounce ideas off of (just like here with hunting).


Active Member
Norton, OH
Beentown, what are your businesses? Maybe we can all try and get the word out to help you out. There are a few members here who are excellent product pimpers. ;)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Well lets start from the top...

I am currently remodeling two houses to flip. (One is almost done)
Started a full time painting and powerwashing business. (Name and cards/flyers soon to come:smiley_bril:)
My wife and friend are doing a consignment business for kid stuff. ($4k for soft/hardware)
We already have a Property Managment business.

I was working full time also until about two months ago when I told the man to kiss my ass. The company I was working for owed me $16.5k in raises, company car, etc.... Well I kept letting them know I wasn't happy. Finally told them I was leaving and low and behold all my wishes were granted. Too bad for them I was done. I know what I am worth and now I am going to make the money for myself.

Who needs a stinken salary.....:smiley_confused_sch



Active Member
Norton, OH
Property mgmt as in rental properties? I do some work here and there for homes in foreclosure... bank work type stuff. Post your info up man! I am sure someone will help out! Hell, I am sure someone would make a great referral from here too if you needed it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Yeah. I am going to ask Jlope and 90210 if we can put something up like a Contractor Corner/Services offered for experienced members. I have my plate full right now but this fall/winter may be a little different story. Good thing is the schedule is starting to fill up.

I will take all the referrals I can get.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yeah. I am going to ask Jlope and 90210 if we can put something up like a Contractor Corner/Services offered for experienced members. I have my plate full right now but this fall/winter may be a little different story. Good thing is the schedule is starting to fill up.

I will take all the referrals I can get.


Sure you can.. Just put it in the For sale section.. I'll go add a Services tag.