I'm not religious. Nor do I care if the dude is gay. But the injustice in the betrayal of both sides in the media should be plainly obvious to most. It clearly demonstrates how many morons we share this piece of rock with.
I'm not judgmental of gay people. And who could blame any guy, gay or straight, of wanting to play football at the highest level he was able?
Nope, not angry or judgmental of any race or minority.
But I believe the media sucks. To the true journalists out there, I commend you. Make no mistake - there is a HUGE difference between honest-hearted journalism and gossip-mongering, inflammatory, agenda-driven sensationalism reporting that most media is engaged in. To those who are engaged in THAT kind of reporting, I say a round and hearty fuck you/you're the scum of the earth.
Guy wants to play football? And he's good enough to make the team? Good for him. Shouldn't even be a story. Nothing to see here - move along, move along.
Our society is not broken. Oh, that it were....then it would be plainly evident, and we could fix it.
But it's not broken - instead, it's badly bent. Bent, and badly in need of repair. But because it's only bent, then the kind of backwards-ass bullshit the media spins is tolerated.