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What do you do to prepare


Supporting Member
Ross County

Like I mentioned previously, I’m feeling much more confident each time I get my bow out, which is my ultimate goal next to successfully harvesting a good buck with it during the archery hunting seasons.

Lately, I've been more focused on shooting from different angles and different type scenario setups that will force me to make adjustments on the fly.

I currently have a 'HHA KingPIn Optimizer' single pin bow sight, which allows me to adjust the yardage wheel to the exact distance of my target with my bow setup. The example below is exactly the reason why I do what I do. There's always that chance of a self inflicted error as you'll get to see in my video.

So,,, to further condition myself, I've created a POP-CAN CHALLENGE that anyone can participate in if you'd like.

It's all for fun & hopefully it will promote more of you to share some of your efforts in getting prepared for the new archery season.

I challenge all 'TOO' archery members to partake in!!!

Give it a whirl despite what kind of bow you're currently using and share it right here on this thread.

If you have the ability to create a YouTube video, then do so. If not, take a photo. If you wish to add your video to my current Youtube playlist on my channel, by all means do so @ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX-1JMYXAH9MR7IVpkx1O3JDFhwSnHVsm

I hope this post inspires others to get into it and get ready! Less than 30 days left to the new season opener.

I'm a passionate archer and a responsible deer hunter. It's extremely important to me to do my part and get as prepared as possible with all my hunting implements that I intend on using to harvest any wild game with.




Basically, if you have a quiver like mine that holds 5 arrows, start off at 60 yards, shoot at the POP-CAN target.

Move forward 10 yards after each shot until you hit the POP-CAN target.

Record your yardage after you successfully hit the POP-CAN target.

Share your results with the 'TOO' crew!

Have fun & good luck! :)

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Junior Member
Greene county
New string on the centerpoint sniper 370 today shot @ 25yrds. Little adjustment and should be ready to rip!!!
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Junior Member
Look over my gear from last fall, throw out what can't be repaired. Take some shots at a target in the yard (30 yds).


Senior Member
Supporting Member
With the warmer temps and the extended weekend, I think I will get the clothes washed and let them hang outside for a couple of days. Still sending good groups down range at 60 yards. Buy some tags and I believe I'll be as ready as I can be.


Junior Member
How'd it workout for you?

Shooting any good??

My 'marksmanship' isn't too bad. I can make a 4 -6 inch group in the yard. Bear in mind, I'm hunting with a crossbow, so it's easier (in my opinion) than hunting with a compound bow. Having hunted most of my life in NY, with rifles (and seeing few deer), I didn't try archery until I was 43. It was a bit of a change to go from 'drives' or 'silent hunts' to sitting in a stand. Fun, nonetheless.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
[QUOTE="Outside, post: 630694, member: 4635" Having hunted most of my life in NY, with rifles (and seeing few deer)[/QUOTE]

That's good to hear!

Where abouts in NY and is that where you're from?


Junior Member
We would hunt in Southern Central Adirondacks, on paper company land (essentially public land, less the $3/yr permit). I'm originally from Albany.
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Supporting Member
Ross County

Nice to hear from another New Yorker!

I'm originally from the following location to be exact. The North Shore of Oneida Lake. Grew up there my entire childhood.

Hunted all kinds of game, which included waterfowl, fur bearing - trap, fished the entire year & then some.
Hunted both Northern (both shotguns & rifles) & Southern (shotguns only) territories as well as archery in both.

I left NY back in 1983. Still have family there. We own approximately 250+ acres in the 'Happy Valley' region that the family hunts.

Bernhards Bay
New York 13028

Partly Cloudy · 72°F
5:28 PM

Google Maps:


Junior Member

Nice to hear from another New Yorker!

I'm originally from the following location to be exact. The North Shore of Oneida Lake. Grew up there my entire childhood.

Hunted all kinds of game, which included waterfowl, fur bearing - trap, fished the entire year & then some.
Hunted both Northern (both shotguns & rifles) & Southern (shotguns only) territories as well as archery in both.

I left NY back in 1983. Still have family there. We own approximately 250+ acres in the 'Happy Valley' region that the family hunts.

Bernhards Bay
New York 13028

Partly Cloudy · 72°F
5:28 PM

Google Maps:

I can remember many a drive, standing beneath a beech tree, watching the snow flurries come from the lake, in early November. Some of my favorite times as a kid were going with my Dad to the Salmon River, and stopping at Kloss Cheese, for curds on the way home. Good Times


Supporting Member
Ross County
I can remember many a drive, standing beneath a beech tree, watching the snow flurries come from the lake, in early November. Some of my favorite times as a kid were going with my Dad to the Salmon River, and stopping at Kloss Cheese, for curds on the way home. Good Times


I've done all kinds of fishing throughout the entire upstate/central region of NY. I grew up as a fishing guide on the lake, done tons of fishing in Pulaski, Onondaga, Lake, Caughdenoy River, Fulton, Baldwinsville, Brewerton, Sandy Beach, Ontario, Alexandria Bay, 1,000 Islands and many, many others!

Miss the fishing up there to say the least!!!

My name is Denny btw...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Denny: Good Evening. Eric Here.

Pleasure to meet you Eric and Welcome to the 'TOO' forum.

I'm probably driving the rest of the Ohio guys nuts with all my BS here lately, but they seem to be pretty darn good about it. A bunch of good guys from what I can gather. I've yet to meet many of them face to face. That may happen as early as mid October if the invite still stands :LOL:

Anyhow, just so you know, I've lived here in Ohio since 1990. Married an Ohio native 24 years ago, raised two boys just south of Columbus. Both are now attending Ohio Universities. One will be graduating next year@UC and the other will be going into his junior year this fall @OU.

I wish you the very best this season with regards to hunting here in the state.

Good luck & take care,


K, for anyone who's been paying attention, below will show my last set of arrows for the day.

I did better this go around because I think I was able to pick up & see the target much better with the sun at my back this evening, especially for the longer ranges.

Take Three of 'THE POP-CAN CHALLENGE' this evening. :)

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Junior Member
I've been here for ten years, and enjoyed every minute of it. While I sometimes miss the 'dax, I love living here, and all it has to offer.
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Going out to set one more stand and pull cards this weekend. That’ll be the last time I’m in the woods until opening weekend. Had my bow restrung and can’t believe how much tighter and crisper everything is now. I’ve shot a few times to make sure it’s dialed in and will shoot some more between now and season. That just leaves getting clothes washed and getting organized. It’s getting real now...
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Still a little froggy this morning...


I just let off my first five arrows of the day during my break. Second arrow @50 yards was hit. Others where close.... I'll take it for the first 5 of the day.

Just a handful of archers here on TOO or what???

Or is it that no one really seems to care to accept my challenge, hmmm :unsure:

Either way, you guys enjoy your Friday & holiday weekend!

Play it safe... :cool:
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Supporting Member
Ross County
I am having two problems with this challenge.
1. I have no way to record it.
2. I only have beer cans


I hear ya!

Day before empty beer cans will do just fine I'm sure...

I wouldn't want any excuses that you 'F' uped cause you've been drinking while shooting them arrows :D


am I to understand that you live in the dark ages still? No phone that takes any kind of pictures - really??

If that's the case,,, then my hats off to you sir for staying old school.

Carry on!!! :ROFLMAO: