Thought and opinions on age as well as score. This buck has made home here on this 98 acres I have permission to hunt for the next several years at least. My guess would be high 120s and 3.5 years old or so. Let me know what you think please
I grew up staying in my uncles cabin and he had a 141" 8 on the wall. This buck is very similar with shorter brows and more width. He's right at 141 IMO.
As my first year in Ohio I shouldn’t be so picky with my first buck but I put my time in and got a few good pieces of permission. This buck has been extremely consistent and I told myself if I see him in the stand I would be very passive towards him because I didn’t know how big he was.... he’s definitely going to be hard to pass up but if he lives til next year he would be a phenomenal buck.
140 even, good deer now but would definitely seem to have nice potential. Not sure how much pressure the area gets but he’s still got a bonus gun, muzzleloader and the rest of bow season to make it through to even have the chance to realize that potential haha. Good luck with him.
This deer is pretty close to a piece of public and as I think more and more about him and how often he comes in, if I get the chance Friday-Monday coming up he’s gonna die lol
8s are odd because mass dont give you much, its all about beams and length - that deer has both. Also, I with that belly and slight sway in back - that deer is 4+. My cousin killed a buck 2 years ago similar to that deer, he didnt grow an inch from one year to the next - maybe a touch in mass....still a hell of a trophy!
What a stud. Man you’ve always killed great bucks!!
What beams did that have 22 1/4 each?
Yes you get mass measurements but typically the variance between measurements is minuscule compared to lengthy and beams - your deer and his above probably has a difference in 1-3 inches in mass total. That was my point is all.