Well I think Beentown and Joe was onto something, but I am not sure what a push bang .22 or a .22 zap gun are.
This is a Coyote Getter. A rancher out west came up with these back when coyotes first started getting out of hand back in the late 40s . The two in the pics are .38 special but some was made as large as 12ga. It is a single spring loaded firing pin. The bullet is placed in the barrel and the spring loaded firing pin is screwed into the bottom of that. The long tube is drove into the ground and then the firing device is placed inside of that. When you push it in , the wire on the tube and the wire that trips the firing pin lock together. When you try to pull it back out , it fires. Ranchers would place these out in grazing ranges and tie meat to them and when the coyote would take the meat it would go off into his face. After a few years of a lot of misses with a single lead ball , they started loading the differnt size shells and bullets with Arsenic. A coyote would pull the meat up and get a shot of arsenic in the face. They was outlawed due to a lot of unintended animals and people being shot by them. This is one of those things that work very good, but should have never been allowed. I was reading in a Trap collecters magazine not long ago about people still finding this stuck in the ground out west from years ago.