My very first rabbit gun, was a plastic dart gun. It was orange and had A right t hook pattern to it.
That’s how I learned to rabbit hunt. Me dad and my uncles and a few of their buddies would go out. Get set up. Etc and hunt. Learned when to shoot when not to shoot.
One day I almost damn near hit a rabbit with it. Shortly after the fact I got a 4/10 single shot wanting to say a H&R. (Possibly New England) I still have it. Have to look. If I were going to bet I’d say H&R. (Also had the 760 crossman pumpmaster)
Grand dad bought this at Kenton in the summertime when I was 11 handed it to me, "merry Christmas." I walked around there all day telling people it's not for sale. Proud kid. 22 years ago. made in Brazil 410. My boy will get it here before long.
Stevens side by side Model 311 20 gauge. Shot my first pheasant with it TOO.
My buddies all had those Crosman 760's, I had/still have my Winchester Model 435 .177 caliber pellet gun that has killed more chipmunks, birds etc.. than I can remember.
Crossman pump for me as well. My dad about shit when I actually came home with a rabbit . A well place .177 pellet through the eye socket is lethal on bunnies lol