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What would you do?


Staff member
This discussion requires some suspension of disbelief; so for the sake of argument here, we are assuming that Sasquatch is real...

As a gag gift, your brother in-law buys you a point in the first ever "Squatch Drawing" in NW Washington state. Winner gets the first, and only, Governor's Tag for the harvesting of a squatch. You'll be outfitted on a 3 day, 2 night trip by a local Squatch'n expert, and all you need to provide for is transportation to and from Washington. You see the humor in the gift, assuming satire of course, and stick it in your desk drawer at work.

Three months later you receive a phone call and you sir, are the winner of this prestigious Governor's Tag! At first you laugh at the dedication to the gag your BIL has shown, but it soon becomes clear that this ain't no joke. You're going to get a chance to shoot Bigfoot!

You decide to go because the scenery will be worth the trip and of course, why the hell wouldn't you go?!? Just like on TV, it is the last hour of the last day of the hunt and you're hunting an open meadow on the side of the mountain, right next to as suspected squatch waller. At first you think your eyes are playing tricks on you in the fading light. "That's a bear..." you pontificate. After all, you have seen 7 bear already on your trip. However closer inspection through the scope of your 7mm Mag reveals that that right there, is a Gotz DAMNED Bigfoot!!! You look at your guide who has the look of someone who has both shat himself, while simultaneously nutting in his pants. His face says it all, that there is a Gotz DAMNED Bigfoot!!!

He whispers: "Shoot!"

Back in your scope, heavy breaths make it tough to settle the crosshairs. Just as you are settling in, the squatch makes eye contact with you at 84 yards. Your heart stops. The squatch's expression lets you know that this is not merely an animal; its part you...

What do you do?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Does the squatch have warm, soft eyes like Harry's (the squatch that stayed with the Hendersons)?


Staff member
Does the squatch have warm, soft eyes like Harry's (the squatch that stayed with the Hendersons)?

No. More like this...



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'd send the wife out on it with a Benjamin air rifle....... She's a big chasing big foot buff.......I'd sit at home and enjoy some beer lol............


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Simple - the hard and fast rule of hunting is, you don't shoot it unless you intend to eat it, unless it's a varmint!
And Sasquatch isn't classified as a varmint.

So, unless you're intending to eat him, Harry gets a pass.