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What would you like to see change?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
i would like to see a show that shows a hunter and his journey through the year....the scouting, the treestand placement,....all of it.. and see what shakes out...now thats an adventure

I have thought about this as well. I think to see the highs and lows of the hunter, his (or her) strategies and why they were trying them, etc, would be an educational show. It would be much more down to Earth and I think the right personality would have the audience rooting for him. Screw it, I am buying a camera. Let's do this!


Senior Member
I think the slunger hollow boys had a good thing going their first 2 or 3 videos. Then they got way to fancy with it and I personally quit buying them after the 7th or 8th one.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I have thought about this as well. I think to see the highs and lows of the hunter, his (or her) strategies and why they were trying them, etc, would be an educational show. It would be much more down to Earth and I think the right personality would have the audience rooting for him. Screw it, I am buying a camera. Let's do this!

I've got the camera Phil, how about we combine everyone's ideas and make our own show. I'll travel around the state, and we can put together an internet show. We can call the program, the "TOO Experience."
all joking aside , this does sound like a good idea , it could be in web show base form , where we tape our own shows and send them to a certain editor person , they edit them then a producer puts them together into a show format

i think we are onto something that could go big time


Dignitary Member
Shermans Dale, PA
I don't want to see any changes. I didn't buy Real Tree Monster Bucks XVIII because I wanted to watch hunts that I could go on. I bought it so I could see dead monster bucks. I bought the DVD purely for the entertainment value. IMO if your buying or watching a hunting video for anything else then your living in a dream world.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
I don't want to see any changes. I didn't buy Real Tree Monster Bucks XVIII because I wanted to watch hunts that I could go on. I bought it so I could see dead monster bucks. I bought the DVD purely for the entertainment value. IMO if your buying or watching a hunting video for anything else then your living in a dream world.

That's one of the reasons I don't think a "real world" hunting show would last. Yeah, it would draw viewers for a while, but in all reality, most people want to see bone hit the ground. A few episodes of doe harvests, or nothing being harvested at all, and people would most likely lose interest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
IMO if your buying or watching a hunting video for anything else then your living in a dream world.

I disagree. It depends on the DVDs. Last time I'll mention it, I promise. Watch the Eberhart DVD series on hunting pressured whitetails. 100% free range/no baiting instruction with segments on hunting public land. It narrowed my learning curve by A TON. Like I said before, it may be remedial for some and not what you would even want to watch, but for me it's been Gold.


Tatonka guide.
I disagree. It depends on the DVDs. Last time I'll mention it, I promise. Watch the Eberhart DVD series on hunting pressured whitetails. 100% free range/no baiting instruction with segments on hunting public land. It narrowed my learning curve by A TON. Like I said before, it may be remedial for some and not what you would even want to watch, but for me it's been Gold.

i think i will order this after christmas and take a look. i just bought their books a while ago and need to read them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
i think i will order this after christmas and take a look. i just bought their books a while ago and need to read them.

Milo- I think you will enjoy the books. I think most anyone on here would. I have bought many books on deer hunting in the last few years. The Eberhart books are the ones I go back to re-read or at least re-read parts of them.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I would just like to see them quit trying to blatantly lie about things... and quit doing/saying things on the shows that are so fuggin stupid, like us viewers are too dumb to realize these guys are idiots.

Example 1: Yesterday I watched some of that show "Bucks of Tecomate" (worst show ever, BTW). This guy is out there overlooking a sendaro when a monster steps out. He raises his rifle, fires a shot, and frickin falls over backwards from the recoil! Meanwhile, the deer just trots off like nothing happened and both guys believe it was a clean miss. BUT they go and look for blood anyway, and after a few minutes of searching, WAHHLAAA... miraculously they find a drop of blood. So of course they then find the buck like 50 yds away, and when the guy points out where the bullet hit, it was somehow right behind the shoulder but on he OPPOSITE side that the guy shot at. Now if you shoot a deer with a 30-06 right behind the shoulder, is it going to run away like nothing happened??? Is it going to leave a blood trail that barely exists??? I don't fricking think so.

Example 2: Same stupid "Bucks of Tecomate" show... this other guy spots a real giant feeding in a sendaro. He appears to be about 100-150 yds away at this point. Then the guy says, "Oh, I gotta try to get closer... I don't have a shot right here." Keep in mind, the guy is holding a rifle with one of the biggest scopes I've ever seen. So he proceeds to crawl on the ground towards the deer, right in the middle of this sendaro, all the while the buck is staring right at him. All of the sudden, he ranges the deer and says "OK... 25 yds away... I think I'm gonna take the shot." Then smokes the buck right in the chest. First of all, truly wild deer would not let you crawl up to them that close, just by crawling in wide ass open of a sendaro. And secondly, why would the idiot need to crawl to within 25 yds of an animal when he's using a weapon that's good to 300 yds or more???

These types of occurences in hunting shows just make me scratch my head. It's like, who the hell do these guys think they are? Who do they think they're target audience is... a bunch of retards??? I can't stand to watch this kind of shit.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Now if you shoot a deer with a 30-06 right behind the shoulder, is it going to run away like nothing happened??? Is it going to leave a blood trail that barely exists??? I don't fricking think so.

I don't think so either. Here is my best blood trail I have ever had. 30-06 right behind the shoulder...



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
i would like to see a show that shows a hunter and his journey through the year....the scouting, the treestand placement,....all of it.. and see what shakes out...now thats an adventure

Agreed - not just one hunter but three or four, so you get a sense of how different guys do things differently, kinda like Swamp People. But I'd like to see it with a more teaching/documentary feel, instead of a slick canned preplanned production.

Screw the videos!
Let the manufacturers stick to more normal advertizing. The products would be a lot cheaper if they didn't have to pay for their boy toys with truck, trips, hotels or whatever else your money is paying for.

Most everyone here has worked a hell of a lot harder for their trophy and watching these videos will not get you a thing.


I agree with what you guys have said. Make it more realistic to what most will encounter.

While thinking about this topic it reminded me of an episode from a show but I can't remember which show. They were sitting filming a nice buck in a field when a pickup comes down the road. It was a couple teenagers and they stick a gun out the window a take a crack at the buck and speed off. Bad news for the kids was these guys had it on film. The guys said something like, "well there goes the hunt." I watched and thought, welcome to the average persons struggles. Welcome to sitting there and having someone come and setup within 30-50 yards of you while bow hunting. Welcome to tresspassers, etc.

To me I would like to see more of this. Give me people I can relate to who don't drop one for the books in 4-5 states every year. Give me someone who works their a$$ off and still eats their tag. Make it educational and lets see products marketed that they actually use to try and connect. Lets hear their reasons for why they have setup where they have, their tactics, etc. for properties of varying acreage. Lets see them on that 20-50 acre parcel and what they would do when the neigbors are all over them.

Just what I would like to see...

Believe me, I've thought exactly the same thing. I'd like to see guys explaining things as they're doing them. I honestly have no idea how you could turn all of that work into money. And it would be a lot of work. Hell, I can't even keep a hunting blog up to date.


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
If you are going to do a web based show, make it interactive. have a blog or forum for each hunting segment that people can talk about, ask questions, and critic the hunt.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
I would like to see a show where the guys DON'T say "unbelievable hunt" or "buck of a lifetime" on every freaking show.......come on man, give me a break!

Another thing that drives me nuts is Hank Parker pimping those Shwacker broadheads and how you can now take quartering shots! Since when is a quartering shot an ethical archery shot? It can be made and I have done it, but it's not for everybody that's for sure.

Also, Hank Parker pimping this C'mere deer crap on every 3rd commercial......."It's for the working man who doesn't have time to scout, it levels the playing field" You got to be kidding me!!!!!!!!