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What would you tell a Rookie?

What would you tell a rookie about being selective whith te deer they shoot?

  • If its brown its down get the first confirmed kill(no spotted fawns)

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • Nothing under 125 inches

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO DOES,Never shoot a doe during prime time

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Stay home an eat cheetos..Your never gonna kill a deer anyways

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Tatonka guide.
a few years ago i was just stickbow hunting and i told myself i was shooting whatever came into range. that was so much freakin fun as everything was a target. you always remember your first...go get them and hang them high!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I know it is too late to add to the poll, but maybe you could put a limit on yourself like "Nothing under 100"." 125" is not an every day deer. I have been thinking about this one all day. I would verify it is not a button buck, and take the first doe I got a shot at. In regards to bucks, I can only tell you what has been told to you already. Shoot it if it looks like the one you would be proud of! I guaran-daggon-tee it, we will send Milo after anyone that wants to give you crap about it. Starting with a 125" or 140" buck as your "minimum standard" is pretty lofty. I lucked out on my first deer. 139" with my shotgun. Started bow hunting in 2009. I hunted hard! I shot a button buck. I still kick myself over that one (although he tasted just fine). Last year I got a nice buck with my bow. He ended up 138". Dude, let me tell you something: I am not your normal success story. I have been very fortunate and been able to secure some primo spots in order to have the success with the two bucks I have on the wall. In the end, all it means is I have to hunt even harder and smarter to kill a bigger one now. Had I not started out with the buck of a lifetime (for what most guys around home would consider it) I don't know if I would be nearly as hooked on the sport. Then again, the difficulty in this sport is what keeps me at it. It is not easy. It is even harder if you start out with a dandy! Shoot what makes you happy and use it as a starting point. You can always hold out in future years once you have that first buck under your belt. Good luck this season Nick!
I know it is too late to add to the poll, but maybe you could put a limit on yourself like "Nothing under 100"." 125" is not an every day deer. I have been thinking about this one all day. I would verify it is not a button buck, and take the first doe I got a shot at. In regards to bucks, I can only tell you what has been told to you already. Shoot it if it looks like the one you would be proud of! I guaran-daggon-tee it, we will send Milo after anyone that wants to give you crap about it. Starting with a 125" or 140" buck as your "minimum standard" is pretty lofty. I lucked out on my first deer. 139" with my shotgun. Started bow hunting in 2009. I hunted hard! I shot a button buck. I still kick myself over that one (although he tasted just fine). Last year I got a nice buck with my bow. He ended up 138". Dude, let me tell you something: I am not your normal success story. I have been very fortunate and been able to secure some primo spots in order to have the success with the two bucks I have on the wall. In the end, all it means is I have to hunt even harder and smarter to kill a bigger one now. Had I not started out with the buck of a lifetime (for what most guys around home would consider it) I don't know if I would be nearly as hooked on the sport. Then again, the difficulty in this sport is what keeps me at it. It is not easy. It is even harder if you start out with a dandy! Shoot what makes you happy and use it as a starting point. You can always hold out in future years once you have that first buck under your belt. Good luck this season Nick!
I do have a idea of how small MIGHT BE TOO small,but not in inches.Not good ad judging deer hell i thought a well fed house cat was a damm bobcat:smiley_confused_vra.And I really dont know how it would play out until it does..Last year i had a ragged little 4pt stroll asking for it at 15yrds in the morning..Well i had an encounter with Much nice deer the day b4 an blew it so i let the little guy walk..Hours later i told myself i was a idiot an if he came back he was toast..He came back 50yrds behind me an there was no way I had a shot..
Here is a example below..The 1st buck I would be OK with the pic of him isnt the best angle though..He seems bigger bodied but he isnt even close to good..The 2nd two are deer I POSSIBLY would pass on ....The last one Is the buck i blew it with last year..Long story but i got call happy an he pegged me.That was 2nd week of Nov..I got him on cam late Jan..But only that 1 time an never seen him since..I would think he has grown to p&y minimum this season...Or not???

Dont mind the corn pile in the last pic.,.Coonie left that there:smiley_crocodile: