Got the second cataract Taken off my right eye yesterday and the patch off today! Man what a difference! I may be able to hit a target out there at thirty yards now. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heck yeah! Glad to hear it Ted.
Had Christmas at my parents today. Despite being 38 and 41, my sister and I still don't get alone well. Today was different. We got along. Not by the usual method of ignoring each other either. We actually conversed AND got along. Probably helps having all the grandkids playing and enjoying themselves. Also helps with my brother's 9mo old twins taking center spotlight all day. They are angels. Seriously could be in magazine photo shoots. Was a good day. Even have one of the nieces and one of the nephews spending the night with us before they roll out in the morning for their home. Dang kids are going to wear out Despicable Me II in less than a week.