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What's good TOO?


Staff member
Having to go through about 3 pages of new posts per day on here...thats good! :pickle:

Damn straight!

I had a fantastic time this weekend. The big party we threw had close to 150 people and I got to see some of the finest drunken shenanigans I have seen in a long time. I drank from 2PM to 4AM had everything from the hot apple pie I made, to three different kinds of shine, some home made wine, and a cooler full of beer. We cooked over 200 pounds of pork and beef shoulders on the smoker to boot. We had a bluegrass band there as well. Down right good time...


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
Just got the news that I'm gonna be a grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure don't feel old enough to be a grandpa but I guess I am!!!!!!!!! after 3 girls maybe I can get lucky and she will have a boy!!!!!


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Just got the news that I'm gonna be a grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure don't feel old enough to be a grandpa but I guess I am!!!!!!!!! after 3 girls maybe I can get lucky and she will have a boy!!!!![/QU

Great news Gramps!!!! :smiley_clap: Congrats to the both of you.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
That's awesome Buckbuster, congrats!

After missing all the cool evening hunts over the weekend, I finally have a few days off. Gonna hunt tomorrow evening with the wife. Wednesday, I think I am gonna play my last round of golf for the year, and finish the last little bit on my building. I work Thursday-Sunday, and Tuesday-Thursday, then it's off to hunt with Adam next weekend. outta be a great time before the shenanigans of the following weekend.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That's awesome Buckbuster, congrats!

After missing all the cool evening hunts over the weekend, I finally have a few days off. Gonna hunt tomorrow evening with the wife. Wednesday, I think I am gonna play my last round of golf for the year, and finish the last little bit on my building. I work Thursday-Sunday, and Tuesday-Thursday, then it's off to hunt with Adam next weekend. outta be a great time before the shenanigans of the following weekend.

You and the wife should have some good cool weather the next couple days. Hope you or Kate connect on the deer.

I have a spot all picked out for you my friend. You better bring your bow just in case ol big boy strolls by and of course doe are always on the ticket as well. We have too many out there.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Blackberry Smoke is damn good. Anyone ever hear this band? Diablo got to hear them live, I've been listenin to them constintly lately. Great little band, good songs with great meaning.


Staff member
My wife and I had our ultrasound Wednesday....Gonna be a daddy around 5/12. :pickle:

Congrats dude!

Been a good week at work. The job front has certainly taken a great turn in the past few months. Also ordered a set of Firestone Destination M/T's in 285/65/18 for the truck today. Can't wait to get them put on!


Staff member
Congrats dude!

Been a good week at work. The job front has certainly taken a great turn in the past few months. Also ordered a set of Firestone Destination M/T's in 285/65/18 for the truck today. Can't wait to get them put on!

Well, so much for that. They ordered tires they couldn't get. So it looks like it's Nitto Trail Grappler M/T's...



*Supporting Member*
Nittos are alright. Im runnin 35x12.50x18 trail graps as well. They wear quick if you dont rotate them every 2 to 3 thousand miles. Ive put close to 25k miles on them so far and they have around 40% tread left.