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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
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I have to take a moment to "brag", People who know me know that I am the last person to take credit for anything! Shit I screw up more than I do right!

My daughter finished up her 1st year of 4-H this year and I could not of been prouder!! She worked her tail off and loved her animals! She even had to put up with me chewin on her butt a few times when we were working with her pigs. It all paid off in the end, she got 2nd place in her weight class during the open show, which had a ton of out of state show pigs in it, and during the Jr.Fair shows she got 1st place in her drive, Reserve Champion gilt, and 3rd overall with Flash, and she got 1st place in her drive with Boots, both gilts went into the Championship drive but Flash was the one to win hardware. Luckily for my daughter both pigs avoided the slaughterhouse, Flash went back to her birth place to be breed and create more champions, and my Dad bought back Boots for his own little project at his place.

Maria showed the crap out of her pigs for her first year! I was amazed at her focus and persistence in the ring. I made some choice this past year with my job to take a step back and spend more time with my family and this just proved that I made the right decision! I was one happy Daddy when after she was done!

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Championship drive
Both pigs in the picture, Flash is shown by our cousin.

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Daddy/Daughter pep talk after being penned!

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Sorry if I annoyed anyone but this was how most of our summer was spent and if you ever been around 4-H and showing animals, this kind of success doesn't happen often, let alone the 1st year!!! I am just one proud Dad!

Getting caught up around here and love this post! My wife and her sister were multiple time state placers in 4-H and her sister won Grand and Reserve a few times with chickens. My sister won Grand and Reserve at multiple fairs with market steers and feeder calves during her 4-H. I never did it, but with two daughters, I'm ready to support it! What you're doing with her is tremendous and I commend you! Keep up the good work and big Congrats to Maria!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
What's good? Getting to see "The Man" on a random Sunday afternoon. Good seeing you Danmann, even if it was for just a quick visit!!



Senior Member
Kingston, OH
Took advantage of some easy firewooding yesterday. My wife's uncle is clearing an electric pole right of way and took down a bunch of trees. They had a mini excavator with a thumb and held the logs above my trailer and i cut them onto it. Slick as can be. Got 4 trailer loads. This is 2018 firewood.