Whats good? Having your dad send you a pic of your 93 1/2 yr old ww2 vet papaw running his mill/press like a boss. My dad is making a bandsaw sawmill and gramps is cutting some pieces for it.
The greatest generation for sure.
Agree 100%. They have seen it all imo. Tough tough tough
Reminds me of when my son was in 7th grade he was playing football. After the first game he came home upset because he did not get in the game. He was a tiny guy about 75 lbs. I told him that if he wanted more playing time then he needed to go up to the coach before practice and ask "what do I need to work on so that I can play". He grumbled a little bit. I talked him up some and finally he said alright that's what I am going to do. Next night I went to pick him up from practice and the coach stopped me. He apologized that Connor didn't get any plays. I told him not to apologize. He said Connor came up to him and asked what he needed to do to earn more playing time. Said in all of his years coaching he had never had that happen. He was impressed. He told Connor what to work on and by the middle of year Connor was playing about half the plays.I’m trying to raise my kids with a stronger mentality, to hopefully have some resemblance of older generations vs. the millennial mindset infecting society today. This morning I continued a conversation with my son that has been ongoing for about a week or so. Long backstory short, he’s not happy about playing time on the basketball court. My approach has been to tell him to deal with it, either by asking the coach directly how he can get better, or by proving it through his own actions to get noticed more by the coach.
This morning I asked him, “You ready to play tonight?”
Him: “Yeah, for like 2 minutes.”
Me: It doesn’t matter if it’s 2 minutes or 20 you take what you’ve earned and absolutely crush it.
Him: Well it’s hard if I only have a little bit of time.
Bus starts coming down the road so he runs down the driveway.
Me: Yelling: It doesn’t matter. Get your head right and crush it.
After thinking about it for a minute I figured I’d try something different. Maybe different generations respond to different communications so I sent him a text with a YouTube link... (I don’t know if it will help motivate him, but I’m ready to take the court! Lol)
Put your earbuds in. Watch and listen. Most importantly, listen. https://youtu.be/IdTMDpizis8
2 minutes or 20 minutes. It. Doesn’t. Matter. Work harder than anybody else. 2 minutes or 20 minutes. It. Doesn’t. Matter. Be the best YOU in that time and earn more time because of your effort. 2 minutes or 20 minutes. It. Doesn’t. Matter. Be in the game mentally, even if you aren’t on the floor. When your time is earned you will know what to do. 2 minutes or 20 minutes. It. Doesn’t. Matter. Work harder than anybody else. Want it more than anybody else. Be mentally stronger than anybody else. If you can do those things, you will earn more opportunities to be the best YOU, that you can be. That defines winning in sports and life. Let’s go Champ!! [emoji1306]
That's awesome man! I travel the state as a business consultant working with wood products firms. Love my time at sawmills. We have a little band mill on our farm. Lots of fun.Whats good? Having your dad send you a pic of your 93 1/2 yr old ww2 vet papaw running his mill/press like a boss. My dad is making a bandsaw sawmill and gramps is cutting some pieces for it.
Agreed on both fronts. Proud to call Sean a friend and to learn from his great example on many fronts, especially as a father. And JB, I'm with you on the mental toughness. Going to be a tough mission in the era of "safe spaces"... [emoji34]You're a great parent, Sean. That clip from Jocko never gets old. So much wisdom there.
My highest priority as a parent is going to be instilling mental toughness in my kids. That, to me, ranks higher than any other trait a human can or should possess in this world today. In a lot of cases it's what makes all the difference between success and failure.