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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
hpim1861.jpgGot our 2 Coyotes back from the tannery today. Hair is still in shipping mode, but should lie down in a couple days. Total cost was just under $70 with shipping and all.


Staff member
Hung 3 cams on my new farm and sweat up a storm, so I was a little bummed. Loaded my quad to leave an the rains started. That's TOO fuggin good!!!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
What's good? I'm still alive right now!....

I took the wife's car down the street to put gas in it. I noticed the pump just on the other side of the pump I was using hand yellow "out-of-service" bags over the handles, and there was spilled gasoline on the concrete beneath them.... Hmmm, not to worry I thought... probably just a leaky nozzle. So I start filling up the car and notice the smell of gasoline getting stronger. Then I see some splashing on the concrete below me. Right about then, the nozzle I was using clicks because the car was full. There must have been a build-up of pressure because, all of a sudden, out of the very top of that pump column came a fuckin WATERFALL of gasoline! It started pouring out everywhere! As it started pouring all over the LED display and buttons, I jumped in the car and got the heck away from it. I then ran inside and told the clerk about it. She came out and said, "Oh... hmmm... I thought it was just a leaky nozzle on pump 16." For a minute there I thought I was going to make the evening news! lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Jim, it might be because I wouldn't mind if my truck blew up (insurance baby!) but starting the car to get away might not have been the brightest idea!

Glad you're safe.

2 weeks ago when I had my leaky tank, I filled it and gas was spilling out onto the concrete. The guy at the next pump goes "well that's not good". I said, "Yeah, well why don't you get into your Lambo and mind your own business!"


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jim, it might be because I wouldn't mind if my truck blew up (insurance baby!) but starting the car to get away might not have been the brightest idea!

Glad you're safe.

2 weeks ago when I had my leaky tank, I filled it and gas was spilling out onto the concrete. The guy at the next pump goes "well that's not good". I said, "Yeah, well why don't you get into your Lambo and mind your own business!"



Oh believe me, man... If I was driving my Ranger, I might have considered "accidentally" dropping a lit match under it. But it was my wife's new Cruze and burning it down was not an option! lol
Been out there in my favorite rocker since 6:00 this morning. Thought I would come in and get a little work done.

Been out there every morning since I got home from the hospital. Glad I built a roof over it so I can sit out there even in the rain.

I think I will shoot a little today.TOO good

Yes Jack 7 more weekends! at this point I am preety sure I can use my climber so I will be hunting!