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What's your 'Crystal Ball' telling you?


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I started hunting in 2008. In 2010 I started harvesting. Since then, I've done things that have made my seasons less enjoyable (unrealistic goals come to mind). This year my mindset is "less is more". The only thing I've done is restock my mineral sites in the spring. No cams, no bait, no food plots and no new gear. I'll harvest when the time seems right. No pressure. I'd really like to capture one with my longbow.😊

My gut tells me this is your year, Mike.... Good luck too ya buddy...


Supporting Member
Ross County
I started hunting in 2008. In 2010 I started harvesting. Since then, I've done things that have made my seasons less enjoyable (unrealistic goals come to mind). This year my mindset is "less is more". The only thing I've done is restock my mineral sites in the spring. No cams, no bait, no food plots and no new gear. I'll harvest when the time seems right. No pressure. I'd really like to capture one with my longbow.😊

That's cool MIke!

Thanks for sharing & good luck to ya!
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Me and nice ones don’t go hand in hand buddy 😂....

I’ll see some up and comers like I do every year and give them a pass unless they’re older and need taken out of the mix...
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
I won't predict any harvesting of a deer with balls, but I am sure a slickhead will hit the freezer when the times right. I will however predict that I'll enjoy this season more than I have in the past since cutting my teeth. Pretty pumped about that.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
ill be spending most of my time early season out with m daughter, and some family. i will most likley hunt the rut hard and be pissed before the end of it because im not seeing deer or that i passed something i shouldnt have, ill take a few days off and hunt gun week with the family and most likley not shoot anything then either. come december ill get a second wind and freeze my ass off til i put some meat in the freezer. but there is always a chance i kill a booner on my first sit of the year lol. thats usually how it goes and what keeps me going back out.


Supporting Member
Ross County
I'll add one more prediction just to make it even more interesting.

I'll harvest a nice mature doe by the end of the second opening day of slug gun season.

My final tag for the season will be anyone's guess...
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My "crystal ball" tells me I'll probably pass a few 130's and watch some 150"+ deer out of range almost every sit like the last couple years. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to miss a shot at one! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. This year is looking good. A couple good monsters (170" plus) showing up, the food & habitat improvement on the main farm are really starting to shine. Either way. I can't wait to be 20' closer to God soon!


Supporting Member
Ross County
My "crystal ball" tells me I'll probably pass a few 130's and watch some 150"+ deer out of range almost every sit like the last couple years. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to miss a shot at one! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]. This year is looking good. A couple good monsters (170" plus) showing up, the food & habitat improvement on the main farm are really starting to shine. Either way. I can't wait to be 20' closer to God soon!


Let this be your year (y)

Best of luck to you!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
I predict I will NOT kill a 4+ year old buck. Just not seeing many. Lots of 2-3yr olds on camera right now. That is all.

I have to be real honest,,, your response made me chuckle inside.

Now watch, you'll probably have that that 5 year old monster in the area that you haven't notice visit you while in your first hunting setup this season :LOL:

I hope that happens for you...

Good luck! :)


Ass Regulator
I'm seeing a few, nothin to get excited about. Seems to be a lot of activity in the woods around us. They have cut a couple drive ways in and it looks like there are gonna be some close neighbors at the cabin. On the other hand I've got permission to hunt some "urbanish" area but can't get in til the corn is off. Plan to freestyle that property, sit back and see what happens. Just grateful to get back out after last year, glad that's in my rear view mirror.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Too Tag out for the season again this year hang deer up in my garage, and practice on processing deer meat the right/easy way. Still have alot TOO learn so little at a time plus hanging out with BIL, drink beer . with TOO brothers in my garage . Cant get any better than that having TOO brothers there in my garage, lol. Cant wait TOO do it again.


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Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Won’t speculate too much. Will enjoy seeing deer put on a show in the fields on private I am lucky enough to have permission on. I hopefully see lots of learning and growth in my hunting in my journey around SE Ohio public. Hopefully get a chance to do my part with the recurve.

Oh and choke a few coyotes out. That is something I can guarantee.