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where are they?


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I have a nice property not to far from the house that i pretty much have sole permission on. I see lots of good birds there all summer, fall, and winter. They are piled in there! But for the last three springs, its like they vanish. They almost always show back up in late may, early june. I was just wandering, how far do they typically go from what would be considered their "home range" I have no problem doing some road scouting, and trying to get permission. I just dont know how big of an area I should be checking.


spencerville oh
Me and my hunting partner had 41 birds in three different groups that were in a mile radius. Since then they have seperated into a7 mile range.and they are concentrated along water. We've put over 60 miles on the truck in one day before season, just around those 7 miles .there is usually a few birds that stay in the winter feeding grounds but most will break up and do there thing until the hatch. A rainy day is usually a good day to drive and scout, they seem be more in the open on those days. Keep optimistic and scout I bet these birds are close good luck to ya.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I don't know where they are either. In the last 30 days I've had flocks in my yard. Now nothing. I guess they have split up for breeding.


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Kinda weird around here. went to another property this afternoon to look around a bit. this place has had spring turkey on it for at least the last three years, as long as I've been hunting it. This is the second time I've been there in as many weeks and i gotta tell ya, if this was the first time I had ever been on this property and you were to tell me there are turkeys there, I'd call you a liar. No gobbling or yelping, no tracks, feathers, droppings, scratches.... Nothing.


Staff member
We got schooled this morning. Only had me bird working at the farm and he flew away from us and never said another word. Drove 30 minutes to a bad ass farm and need heard a bird. It's 280 acres with 4 fields. Same farm me and JB worked those 6 last year. With the way opening weekend was last year and that being an early spring by 2-3 weeks, I expect things to get better. But it has been frustrating so far.


spencerville oh
I agree next week IMO will be better the last three days they started gobbling more and more. Seems like everything is behind this year by a couple of weeks. Jmo good luck.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Next week should get better.They gobbled really hard this morning in Perry County.I heard around a dozen birds and had 7 close.Called in 3 gobblers at 6:25 a.m. and shot a nice one at 30 yds. 20 1/2 pds and 11 inch beard.He had one broken spur from fighting and the other was over an inch and hooked.This was the best day of gobbling i have heard since season started.Should just get better but it is turkey hunting so you never know. IMG951076950001[1].jpgIMG951077950001[1].jpg


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
Today was encouraging. the last couple years, I concentrated on the second property I mentioned. But with no sign of turkeys this year I decided rather than hunt today, I would scout a couple other places. I suppose I could have hunted a public area about a half hour south of here that I checked out a couple weeks ago. I spotted a few hens there but not sure about gobblers or roosting areas, I felt I should find some place closer to home.

My first stop was the property I mentioned at the beginning of this thread. I've hunted it at least once in each of the last 2 seasons and had no luck even though this place is loaded with birds any other time of the year. I hadn't gone into the woods 200 yards when I looked through the woods and spotted turkeys in the adjacent field. Turned out to be a couple hens, but as they were walking into the opposite treeline, I could here more hens to the north of me yelping and cutting. Didn't hear any gobblers, but at least I found some birds! The other spot is another public area about 10 minutes east. I intended to get out and put some shoe leather down, but there were other guys already hunting there. Rather than walk in on them I decided to come back later in the week after work.

So is it like the rut? you find the does, the bucks will show up? Or just because there are hens around, that doesn't mean the gobblers are there too?

This aint over, I'm gonna find a bird sooner or later.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I would say hens is a good indication, the gobblers have been awfully quiet on the ground so far this year when I have been out.
Huckleberry Finn said:
I would say hens is a good indication, the gobblers have been awfully quiet on the ground so far this year when I have been out.
This has been my experiences too. All of the turkeys in my area have been abnormally quiet. :smiley_chinrub: The vegetation growth is a week or so slower than normal, so there's plenty of action left to the season. Just the same, it makes a hunter a little anxious.

yotehunter said:
A rainy day is usually a good day to drive and scout, they seem be more in the open on those days. Keep optimistic and scout I bet these birds are close.
I agree with the rainy day scouting. This has always proved to be a good way of finding out where they're hiding or hanging out. Turkeys hate the rain, while they're in the woods...too much movement and noise for all of their senses to allow them to feel safe. They're getting wet anyway, but out in the open there's less noise and vegetation movement, so that they can detect predators.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
This morning was the most vocal of mornings for me. I heard more birds around 8-9 today than I did any day last week. Also heard more shots as well.


Senior Member
This morning was the most vocal of mornings for me. I heard more birds around 8-9 today than I did any day last week. Also heard more shots as well.

That seems to be the story with about everyone I have talked to today. I think there are quite a few people who waited and took the second week off. May see bigger numbers this week than last week.