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Where Were You?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Sitting in 8th grade history class. We had it on in all the TV's in the classroom. Went home and continued watching the coverage. Will never forget that day...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Most of you made me feel really old just now. Thanks a alot!
I was at work and we heard it on the radio. We didn't think much of it until the second plane hit. All work stopped at that point and the TV in the conference room was turned on.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
My life changed for ever after that day..... The first time I ever heard of Sept 11 refered too as 911 was on the ride too work that morning hours before the first tower was struck..... Since that day day I've been deployed a total of 783 days overseas and have lost track of the time stateside..... A lot of us have been gone for a long time since then and you forget the years that go by in between..... We spent a month locked down out at McCord AFB Washinton (Where ArcherTL) is stationed locked down in hangers on alert with a couple hundred special forces that were loaded for bear..... Every couple of days we'd load them kids up and and crank motors like we were going and then shutdown and go back too the waiting game..... That plane was loaded down so much God forbid if anything happened and they had too do an emergency egress..... They would of lost most of them...... We rotated out and our base sent in the next crew we did it for 4 months through Christmas........ Seemed like it was yesterday, hard too believe ten years have gone by..... I get a lot of accolades from people over the years but I'm almost embaressed for the little I have done versus the ones who have given all, both Civilians on Sept 11 and all the Military we've lost since that day..... We were at McCord when they first went into Afghanastan and that was a real treat too hear lots of pride that day when we got some retribution for that sucker punch we took.....


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I was picking up some tires I'd had fixed, had Bob and Tom on the radio and they reported that a "small private plane" had hit the WTC. Came home in time to see the second plane hit, spent most of the rest of the day watching TV.

One of my best friends lived in Manhattan and when the WTC was bombed the first time his wife was working in the south tower(the one not bombed). Their apartment was across the street and it was destroyed. He and his family escaped by getting a ride on a small boat across the Hudson. He was allowed to return to the apartment before it was torn down to recover some personal items and took some photos. There was 6" of "dust" covering everything.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I was at work. Being in a machine shop we had no TV but I listened to Howard Stern all morning. After getting home I watched the coverage all night. Will never forget that day!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
My life changed for ever after that day..... The first time I ever heard of Sept 11 refered too as 911 was on the ride too work that morning hours before the first tower was struck..... Since that day day I've been deployed a total of 783 days overseas and have lost track of the time stateside..... A lot of us have been gone for a long time since then and you forget the years that go by in between..... We spent a month locked down out at McCord AFB Washinton (Where ArcherTL) is stationed locked down in hangers on alert with a couple hundred special forces that were loaded for bear..... Every couple of days we'd load them kids up and and crank motors like we were going and then shutdown and go back too the waiting game..... That plane was loaded down so much God forbid if anything happened and they had too do an emergency egress..... They would of lost most of them...... We rotated out and our base sent in the next crew we did it for 4 months through Christmas........ Seemed like it was yesterday, hard too believe ten years have gone by..... I get a lot of accolades from people over the years but I'm almost embaressed for the little I have done versus the ones who have given all, both Civilians on Sept 11 and all the Military we've lost since that day..... We were at McCord when they first went into Afghanastan and that was a real treat too hear lots of pride that day when we got some retribution for that sucker punch we took.....

Thanks to all of you who have/are served/serving.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm willing to bet it's about 90% inaccurate.... Bottom line... We shot that plane down.. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. What was done had to be done. They only lie because they don't think the people can handle the truth... And they're probably right.

Truth or not, the kids in the 8th grade now were too young to understand what was happening then and many probably have never watched anything pertaining to that day. This show played all of the taped phone calls and had stories from the surviving family members. It was really powerful and brought some of the kids to tears. If portraying the flight members as heroes makes America feel better, so be it. I think it helped the kids understand what it means to be a Patriot... that's for sure. I think it also helped them understand why we are fighting this war on terrorism. Most kids don't fully understand what happened that day and why we continue to fight it today.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Truth or not, the kids in the 8th grade now were too young to understand what was happening then and many probably have never watched anything pertaining to that day. This show played all of the taped phone calls and had stories from the surviving family members. It was really powerful and brought some of the kids to tears. If portraying the flight members as heroes makes America feel better, so be it. I think it helped the kids understand what it means to be a Patriot... that's for sure. I think it also helped them understand why we are fighting this war on terrorism. Most kids don't fully understand what happened that day and why we continue to fight it today.

This is true. I sometimes forget they wouldn't comprehend why we're fighting these wars... Jeez, was it really that long ago.. My how fast a decade goes.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
I was working at Whetstone industries as a float and they didn't need me that day so had gone back to bed. The wife called me from her work and said to turn the TV on and see what was going on. They didn't have a TV where she was and the radio just wasn't doing it for them. I did a play by play as she had put me on speaker phone. I was reading the scrolling words at the bottom of CNN and a few minutes later the second plan hit live right there on the screen. I couldn't believe what I was seeing nor could I do anything but gasp. In shock I told the wife we (U.S.) was in trouble. She asked what was going on and I had to tell her and her co-workers about the second plan. It seemed like it was only a few seconds later and the Pentagon got nailed. Scared the shit out of us since the wifes sister was in DC as well as one of her cousins. The SIL was working at the Pentagon but it so happened that day she was over at Andrews Air Force base and the cousin was at her state senator's office. Both was safe and sound but it took us hours to find out for sure.
Seen where plans where being grounded and they couldn't locate one of them and that was the one that crashed in a field in PA. (when all was said and done they posted the flight path of that plan and it made it's loop right over top of us here near my place) Some scary shit that day and the world just stood still after both the towers fell. You could hear a pin drop at the wifes work when I told them. After that they found a TV and some bunny ears so they could watch for the remainder of the day. Definitely something I will never forget as long as I live.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I remember it like it was yesterday..i was in 2nd grade and my teacher got a call to the office, and came back to the room and turned on the radio and we heard it...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Most of you made me feel really old just now. Thanks a alot!

You are not alone Mike. I don't look at Drake as a kid, but to hear him say "Eighth grade" or Moundhill say "Second grade" just made me feel old.

I had to drive to Celina to pick up a truck that day. What should have been a 40min ride felt like it took hours. Everything slowed down that day.

Maybe what was more memorable for me was the weekend drill in the National Guard that month. Maintenance had minimal lights and a gravel floor building to work in at the Urbana armory. We would drive over to Springfield where my motor sargent was full time. We would work on equipment at their armory. I had to drive a deuce and a half that weekend. Driving downtown Urbana or even on the roads to Springfield brought a sense of pride I cannot describe. People would stop walking on the sidewalk and wave, give a thumbs up, or salute. If they only knew every time I saw one of these gestures I had to fight back the tears. . . I have always been proud to be an American, but at that time I could not have been more proud to put my uniform on. In the guard I was working on some outdated deuces or 113's, but it was American iron and I was proud to do it even if it paled in comparison to what many gave, had given, or are currently giving as I type this. God Bless our troops, firemen, police officers, and anyone else serving our country! My tiny voice offering thank you does not do justice to the true thanks they deserve!


Senior Member
I was in 11th grade. I can tell you what class room I was in, but not sure if it was psychology or studyhall! I was in Mr. Manns class room. HE turned on the TV and I was in disbeliefe that something liek thsi could happen.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I was installing a new boiler in a customers house. They turned on the tv in the basement so we could watch the news. I can remember thinking that all I wanted to do is to go and somehow help with this mess. One of the most helpless moments in my life.