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Which new guy scored?

Sorry that this will be long winded but I’m going to start all the way back at this summer. So we finally got to the point where we were able to build on the farm. Our home build was complete in July but my laundry list is still not done. Between work, work on the farm, and completing stuff around the new house I had very little time to scout, hang stands, or get ready for the 2021 deer season. I had planned on putting in some food plots but that didn’t happen. I finally managed to put up some cameras at the end of August. Then for my birthday my wife talked me in to retiring my old Mathews DXT and getting a new bow. I had talked about this for years but never cut the cord because I still shot that bow so well. I’m planning on an elk hunt next year so I justified getting a new bow. I went out to fin in Ashland where my dad bought me a Mathews DXT roughly 14 years prior. I had my mind made on giving Hoyt a chance as all my buddies swear by them. I tried every one they had and never felt comfortable. So it was time to try the new Mathews. Man it was crazy the first time I pulled back the V3 it felt like second nature and man did it shoot smooth and have some zip! So I made the purchase and rushed to get it dialed in over the next couple weeks.

Through August and September on my commutes to work I started seeing a big 8 point on occasions. I could tell he was a good one but I did not know this deer. My trail cameras were underwhelming other than 2 mediocre 5 year olds that I thought would be special but really never grew. The bigger of the two was under my stand opening weekend but I was unable to get out which ended up being a blessing in disguise. I ended up not making it out in the woods until the end of October. Surprisingly, I did not see a deer from the stand in my first three sits. This is pretty uncommon for our farm. However, my rutcation was set for Nov 6-15 and I knew I would have action through that time period. I wasn’t all that upset that I wasn’t seeing deer because the past two years I shot my bucks in October and completely missed the rut. I even told my wife that I hoped it took me a little longer to get a deer this year so I could enjoy the process (almost regretted that).
Nov 6 I ended up not being able to hunt because my dad and I poured a concrete pad for my walkout basement in the morning and then my wife insisted I go to a wedding with her Saturday evening (have to keep momma happy).

Sunday Nov 7 morning I sat in a ravine bottom and saw a couple does and got winded by a nice buck (swirling wind screwed me). I packed it in early because I had to catch cows to take to the sale on Monday.

Nov 8 I ran cows in to the sale real early and ran to a doctors appointment. I rushed home and got out in the woods. I saw the big 8 but he was in some brush and around 40 yards out. I was not able to appreciate his size from this encounter and actually thought he was a younger deer and I would like him to go another year (that was crazy). Just a little back story, my dad shot a 190” (gross score non typical) giant several years ago and since then we really have tried to manage our herd and be selective in the deer we take. Alright back to the story. Monday evening I saw a six point and some does but that was it.
Tuesday Nov 9 I got aggressive and went into a bedding area. At first light I saw a 6 point and had a nice 8 make a scrapes about 60 yards out. When he worked through I never had an open shot. I then saw a basket 10 point. Another nice buck ran a doe into my set up but he flanked her and she ended up working away from me and he never came in. I moved for the evening into an area I thought I could kill one of the older bucks I had on camera but I ended up getting skunked. After this hunt my oldest daughter made me a rubber band bracelet for good luck after I told her I didn’t see any deer. It definitely helped. Actually, if any of you are interested I can start taking orders haha!

Wednesday Nov 10 I finally had an easy wind and I set up in a funnel off of a hayfield. Action was great. I saw over 20 deer with 7 being different bucks. However, non of them were what I was quite looking for.
Thursday Nov 11 I woke up with a terrible sinus infection. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Claritin D and I was good to go. I hunted the same funnel and saw three different smaller bucks but just didn’t feel I would get an opportunity there. With it getting warm I elected to climb down and do some chores. Of course while I was feeding cows I looked up and saw two bucks running a doe across the pasture field. So I hurried up, fed, showered and ran for the woods. At this point I began thinking about the big 8 pt I saw through the summer and then again on Monday. I knew I had to see him again and if given the opportunity I would let 1 fly. So Thursday night I headed for where I thought he lived. 100 yards in to the woods and I jump a decent buck. I froze and started looking around. 30 yards to my right is the big 8 with a doe! Holy cow standing on the ground looking at him was a sight! They didn’t spook but just snuck off into the thicket. So I backed out and sat or the gas line for the evening. I never saw him that night but did have two smaller bucks chasing does for the last half hour of light. I actually almost shot a doe but decided against it.
Friday Nov 12 my game plan was to sneak in to where I saw the big 8 the night before. I packed my climber and found a tree. I hate picking trees in the dark and once the sun came up I did not like the spot at all. Typically for me I like all day sits during the rut and rarely move. By 8:30 I was climbing out of this tree. I moved to a funnel on a nearby oak flat. I saw two groups of does on the walk in but no bucks were in tow. I sat there until 11 and I really wasn’t feeling it. Something internal was telling me to move. In my head I was literally singing “should I stay or should I go”. I ended up going. I climbed down. Put my climber on my back and started working towards where I sat on Tuesday. The weekend would have a perfect wind for the spot and I figured I could clear branches and sit the evening. 3/4 of the way there and I was dripping sweat. I literally sat down in the gas line and took my clothes off. I laid them out and let them dry. I cooled off got redressed and finished the hike. At the spot the sign looked great with fresh scrapes. I climbed up, trimmed a couple limbs and got comfortable. It was roughly 1:30 at that time. The wind was whipping but I read wildlife’s post about wind and deer movement and it gave me new found optimism. At 2:53 I decided to stand up for the evening because I knew a deer could get in on my quick and I would have a hard time moving undetected. I did a grunt and bleating sequence and began scanning. A couple minutes later I heard a limb snap behind me. I looked but only saw a fox squirrel that had been screwing with me all afternoon. A couple minutes later I heard something again and when I looked behind me I saw the big 8 making a scrape 40 yards away! He was coming directly from behind me which is where my wind was headed. Fortunately I was about 30 feet up and the wind was so strong that I think my wind was blowing over top of him. He started moving on the trail that funnels 10 yards from my stand. When he was at 25 yards I had to draw my bow behind the tree very slowly so he wouldn’t bust me. Once at full draw he decided to make another scrape. Unfortunately I didn’t have a shot. I don’t know the time exactly but I was at full draw for what seemed like forever. Finally he started moving again. He needed one more step to get completely in my window and he froze.
Oh no I thought to myself. He was getting my wind. At that time he turned slightly towards me and took a step. I had an opening. I let it fly at 3:07. I heard the thwack and he took off. At about 60 yards I could see blood bubbling out of the entrance hole. He turned down the ravine and was gone. I never heard a crash. I thought I smoked him but was unsure. I then called my dad, wife, and close buddies. While on the phone I saw my arrow sticking in the ground. That made me feel a lot better. I decided I would give it an hour before I climbed down. Once getting down and packing up I went over to the arrow and it was soaked and I had great blood at impact. I actually called my cousin so I could wait another half hour just so I didn’t push him. I then followed the trail to where he turned down the ravine. I stood up on a big tree and saw him belly up 50 yards away. I FaceTimed my dad so he could see him with me as I walked up on him. Holy cow he was big! I left him there and packed my gear out and picked up my dad (he’s my neighbor now and only 300 yards down the road). We headed on soaking up the moment and talking about times from the past. Once my dad got his hands on him and I could see his reaction I knew for sure he was a good one. We got him field dressed and started the miserable drag down and up ravines (I actually enjoy these drags and try to savor them. We laughed and joked the whole way. My dad even took a belly slide down one of the steepest parts of the ravine. That led to a good laugh. Finally we got him to the mule and loaded him up. We got him hung up and the wife and kids came out to admire the big 8 with us.
This is definitely my best buck to date. His rack and body are huge. I’m sure this deer is an easy 250 lbs. I feel very blessed today and I’m eternally grateful for my dad who instilled this passion in me and gave me this opportunity by purchasing land when he was a young man. I am also gratefully for my supportive wife who never gives me shit about being in the woods and actually encourages it.

I included a picture of this buck in velvet that I took on my way to work this summer. Also, after checking old trail camera pictures, I think I had pictures of this deer 2 years ago and then he disappeared. Actually, I had a conversation with a buddy that we should think about shooting that deer because I didn’t think he would turn in to anything special. Well if it’s the same deer I was very wrong.

Oh and that sinus infection I got this week might be Covid. Going to get a test today since I lost my taste and smell yesterday! Hope you guys enjoy. I’ve throughly enjoyed reading about everyone’s hunts and look forward to the ones to come. Also look forward to meeting you guys in the future. Happy hunting and good luck out there!

