I am planning an all day sit for Saturday and I have two stand choices. Wind will be fine for each, and I am planning to split the day between the stands. Question is, which to go to first. Stand one (west side) is on the way to stand two (east side). Stand one is on an oak ridge, 40 yards off a giant community scrape under a beech tree.
Stand two is tight to bedding and tons of rubs, including some rubs that are clearly being made while the buck is bedded. It is going to be raining hard Friday and lighten up Saturday but still rain forecasted for the entire day.
Here’s the plight. Do I hunt the closer stand (one) in the morning as to not walk across the property first thing? It is on that scrape so TV widsom would say they’ll be hitting that when the rain slows. Then I would still-hunt my way to stand two, but be walking close to bedding, midday.
Or, do I go to stand two near bedding first thing, using the rain to my advantage to get there quietly and washing scent away and getting in before they get back to bed.
Thanks for any input! Considering uploading some aerials if we want to make this a case study.
Stand two is tight to bedding and tons of rubs, including some rubs that are clearly being made while the buck is bedded. It is going to be raining hard Friday and lighten up Saturday but still rain forecasted for the entire day.
Here’s the plight. Do I hunt the closer stand (one) in the morning as to not walk across the property first thing? It is on that scrape so TV widsom would say they’ll be hitting that when the rain slows. Then I would still-hunt my way to stand two, but be walking close to bedding, midday.
Or, do I go to stand two near bedding first thing, using the rain to my advantage to get there quietly and washing scent away and getting in before they get back to bed.
Thanks for any input! Considering uploading some aerials if we want to make this a case study.