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Who's still got a buck tag?!?!?!?!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Still have mine. Could have filled it the 2nd day of season but held out and watch the young 8pt with good mass walk away. Dude has some potential if he can stay alive another couple years. Going to be hard to let him walk next year but if I see him I will watch him just like this year.


Staff member
Still have mine. I've passed 3 bucks in the 130s this year, two of which were mature bucks. I knew I'd eat a tag this year as it was one particular buck or 150+ and I'm not spending enough time in areas with the caliber of buck I'm after. I hate eating a tag, but I see no point in shooting something just to fill my buck tag. My freezer is full, so I don't need meat that bad...


Staff member
I've been very fortunate to develop a relationship with several bucks over the years that spanned multiple seasons. A couple of which I had chances to shoot before they were ready. I am yet to capitalize on those efforts, but it'll happen one of these days. No offense meant to anyone, but grabbing a 100-120" rack does nothing for me. And I'll never understand the mentality of "I HAVE to fill my buck tag"...


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
Ive still got mine. And I'm like Jesse. I don't have to fill my tag to have a good season. I've passed a few 120s this season. And one buck I should of shot think he was close to a 130 8 point. But I have a problem shooting a good young deer. Was pretty crappy week tho. We ended up killing 3 wounded bucks one already shed both sides the other to both were half racks shed from there injury. The guys didn't wanna put them down and use there buck tag but they did. And it was the right thing to do as hunters we owe that to the animals.

Shoulder Blade

Junior Member
I have pretty high standards for a buck so I generally don't shoot one.

Me to, but I'm losing my best spot in a few weeks due to a sale so I may take what I can get from it.

I keep seeing this buck come out 80 yards from my stand so today I'm moving closer to that area.
I still have mine. This has been my worst season for seeing bucks, even though my cameras were full all summer. I have yet to have a buck in archery range. Had a couple small bucks in .410 range on Monday, but not one I would shoot. The weather will dictate how much I hunt the rest of the season.


Senior Member
Athens County
My tag is reserved for one buck and one buck only. Been able to glass him a couple times this week. Might try to slide in for the kill this afternoon/evening. Torn between taking the slug gun or the bow. Probably take the bow.


Me...property i hunt had a lot of tresspassers this week and i only lost one of two cameras...i have not seen any deer this week and now i know why. Not sure if i'm going to get it done this year or not