Not sure if it means anything, but every once in a while, I will get errors on my iPhone when connected to certain wifi networks... I simply disconnect and it works fine. Not sure if it would help you.
Tapatalk for vBulletin 4.x Stable Release 9/28/2012 4.2.0
Which is what's installed here. I shouldn't even say installed. It's just a file they give me that I upload to the server. Meaning it works or it doesn't. If a single user is having an issue it's an app problem. Wish I knew what to say. Here is their support website.
yeah beats me i just did all the tricks uninstall/reinstall/change password from pc try to log in no dice. other forums still work. time for a new phone lol
iPhone 3GS I really don't think it's the app it works on every other forum. Wonder if the & symbol is a problem? Showed up as "amp" on a different forum they were able to fix it but I have no idea how they did it.