This is not to prove any points, or even give an example of why I'd rather fish the cool, clear waters of northern Michigan or Canada than anything I've ever encountered in Ohio... Its just a story that happens to be on par with Ohio fishing as I know it.
My mom loves to fish for perch. To her, there is no other desirable fish in any body of water. Sure, she will put the knife to a walleye, but she'd rather have perch. They are staying up at Lake Erie this week, not just to fish, but more to get away from home for a week. And, today is her 75th birthday. Having just buried my father in law, my priorities are set correctly again, so when she asked if I'd like to run up there and go fishing with her and dad, I said sure.
Mason and I left home at 3am yesterday, and yeah I called him in to school and lied without shame that he was sick. We arrived in Port Clinton about 630, fooled around a bit, met up with Mom and Dad and took off on a "head boat" at 8. We mistakenly sat at the back of the boat, where there was plenty of noise and smoke from the old diesel engine to enjoy all freaking day. We had to yell to communicate, and the fumes were just awesome. The captain explained to me that he likes to leave the engine run as the vibration attracts fish... BTW, during our visit to wonderful Lake Erie, I bagged two perch, Mason and Dad each caught three, and Mom did not catch a single fish. It was the same across the boat, no one caught squat.
Mom asked the first mate if this was an exceptionally bad day. He said it was for this time of year due to the warm temperatures. The water temp was 74, and he said the perch do not school well until the water temps drop to -70. So, apparently, even catching the lowly perch is tricky on the legendary Lake Erie. Ha. Of course, I heard the same garbage about catching perch when Mason and I visited Lake St Clair a couple years ago. But then I was on my boat and set Mason to find perch as he was tired of catching smallmouth. He tore them up as only a boy trained to catch perch on muddy Rocky Fork can. Perhaps if I'd taken my boat and fished habitats I usually find perch in things would have been different, who knows. I can tell you this, fishing in 32' fow or 16'fow or anything in between while relying on the deafening drone and smoke of a diesel engine to bring in perch does not work all that well.
I just got a text from Mom. It appears they are on the ferry en route to Put in Bay, so I'm sure it's still going to be an enjoyable trip even though the water is too warm to catch fish. Ha.