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Wicked Lights ScanPro IC ultimate head lamp kit


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yup! I stupidly only took the shotgun out 2 nights again and wouldn't ya know it ....80-90 yds there sits a coyote with in 2 seconds of having my light on! Just out of range for my gun and choke.......Still kicking myself for not taking my rifle for that sit.

Geez! You must be covered in coyotes. I've been out twice. No vocals. No visuals. Not saying there aren't any in the area. Just didn't see or hear any. You better get them killed soon before they are onto you.
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Supporting Member
Ross County
Nice! I really like mine TOO...

I purchased the same one roughly around the same time. Works really well in the open field areas that I hunt half the time for coyotes, however the other half is when I get into the heavy brush and creek areas. That's when I take my12g semi-auto loaded w/ #4 Buck Magnum 41 pellets in each round, a high intensity minor white light above my cap and a 1000 lumen barrel strapped smail size flashlight w/ the pressure switch underneath the forearm of the rifle.

I usually hear them howling away real close to our home. Just before I leave the house to head down our creek, I'll always have my shotgun in my hands ready to rock & roll.

Good times!!!
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