Wednesday, January 29, 2020 - 'Red Fox':
I headed out for the first time this year with the rifle @5:40 p.m. and laid down along the edge of one of the cut soybean fields across the street.
I got set up about 10-15 minutes after I walked out of my workshop and made only one rabbit in distress sequence call from my hand caller.
5 minutes later this fox came cruising in a little over 100 yards away within the field.
One 3,500 FPS WIN .308 shot later, he hit the ground right where he stood.
Tonight's setup consisted what you see in the photo above and I made the shot right around 6:05 p.m. I made it back home by 6:30.
If you care to see what a 'Liberty - Animal Instinct' WIN.308 round does to little critters, I went ahead and attached a photo of him with the exit wound.
Since I'm on this topic of hunting varmints, I'll also share what else I did earlier today.
I purchased a couple of new items
(approx. $37.00 combined in total) for my bow last Monday and received them this morning, which are;.
- One Aukmont Bow Stabilizer with Picatinny Rail for my Wicked Ambush Light and new Green Dot Laser Sight
- One Shockproof 532nm Tactical Green Dot Laser Sight with Rail Mounts & Pressure Switch
I mounted them on my bow this afternoon and sighted in both the 'WIcked Ambush Light' & the new 'Tactical Laser Green Dot Sight'.
I tested them both briefly, shooting my bow from 20 & 30 yards during the day today. I've yet to test them at night, but I will probably later on this evening.
I'm still able to look down through my peep in the dark and see my 3 lit pins within my HHA KingPin Bow Sight, utilizing the blue burst lights that I installed onto the sight.
The 'Wicked Ambush Light' also has a pressure switch that's mounted on the bow grip, which controls three different brightness settings, and the 'Tactical Green Dot Laser Sight' with a pressure switch is also mounted on the bow grip. I have no issues or problems operating the both of them and shooting my bow accurately onto my target.
Both lights are aligned with my bow sight pins 10, 20 & 30 yards. I haven't tested beyond that point yet, but I will.
I'll be practicing over the next couple of evenings just so I can be thoroughly comfortable & confident with my new night time bow setup.
I wish to get back out into my CRP tree-stand once again rather soon and get after some of these damn coyotes I have in the area.
I've shot one last year with my bow a few minutes before dark from within that same tree-stand when it was right underneath me at 15 yards. I drilled it perfectly through the chest and it still ran off within the thick deer bedding area. I found its remains earlier this deer season.
I hear them often this time of year nearby, especially during the midnight hours, so, I intend to do some night time bow hunting for coyotes when I can't sleep at night, right behind the house.
The rifle will wake the wife, but the bow won't...