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Wildlife 2022/2023 Deer Season


Supporting Member
Ross County
3:30 p.m., Friday, March 3, 2023: 03/03/23 - Ohio Mink

While checking on the creek water💧levels I had a close encounter with an adult mink. The animal came walking along the creek bank on the opposite side of the smallest creek, directly across from me, approximately 15 feet away. It stopped when it smelled me, looked directly at me, turned back around and headed back towards the area where it came from. The animal caught me completely by surprise and I was not able to acquire a much better photo of it. I'm sure I'll have other opportunities though because the population of them have steadily increased constantly over the last three years at this location.

And the creeks continue to rise as the worst of the rain has yet to arrive. We have few more hours of rain yet to get through as the wind speed increases throughout the evening, up to 55 mph by 10:00 p.m. tonight.

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Supporting Member
Ross County

The wind tonight is just brutal. Looks like a war zone out there in the woods with all the new debris that I see and the deer seem to get around fine it appears for now. We still have another coupe of hours of the worst of the winds, then it's supposed to winddown slowly to 20 mph by noon tomorrow. I am worried about all of our big trees nearest to all the buildings.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
7:30 p.m., Friday, March 4, 2023: 03//04/23 - THE CALM AFTER THE STORM


Spent the day picking up all the debris that was produced from yesterday's severe weather windstorms. I even got around and cleaned up some of the main deer trails and both feed sites as well.

This evening's sunset was absolutely gorgeous too!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
10:00 a.m., Sunday, March 5, 2023: 03/05/23 - NWS 3 tornadoes touched down in Greater Cincinnati during Friday's storms

I wanted to include this news story and make it apart of the permanent record within the journal playlist for historical reasons for our location. This information concludes whatever other documentation I have regarding the weeks worth of severe weather outbreaks that we received ever since last Monday, February 27, 2023.

It was an interesting week of quick changes in the weather to say the least while leaving February going into March.

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Supporting Member
Ross County
8:45 p.m., Monday, March 6, 2023: 03/06/23 - DRIVEWAY MONITOR [Year's Worth]


Nearly a year's worth of wildlife and domestic feral cats that made their way down our long driveway, plus some more predators at either one of the three different feed sites on two different properties.

None of the animals in the video belongs to me, not a one and I live in the rural country.

Animal species that you will get to see are deer, coyote, bobcat, domestic feral cat, opossum, raccoon, Cottontail Rabbit, Red Fox and more. I did not include every capture nor every animal.

The trail camera for the driveway is an older Wildgame 12meg model, so the photo quality is not nearly the same as the new trail cameras that I use currently at the deer feed site locations.

I hope you enjoy seeing what other animals made their way onto our property, mainly during the nighttime hours, and thank you for watching!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
10:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023: 03/07/23 - 🦌DEER IN DAYLIGHT🌄


A few yearlings🦌 showed up at the main feed site this morning and ate.



Supporting Member
Ross County
6:45 a.m., Thursday, March 9, 2023: 03/09/23 - COUPLE OF HOLDOUTS


A few holdouts that continue to carry their antlers still today, plus a quick showing of Junior, which he also continues to show up regularly at the feed sites here at home.

Yesterday was a day of the birds. The black starlings hung out most of the day and it appears that the ducks are making their way back to the area as well.

The rest of the local deer herd are doing well from what I can tell.

Hope you enjoy today's brief update showing just a couple of bucks in the area that continue to hold onto their antlerless as of this morning within my neck of the woods.

Thanks for watching!


I attached an additional file that shows another different buck that appeared while I created today's video. So, there are at least a few that are still holding onto their antlers as of this morning.


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Supporting Member
Ross County
4:30 a.m., Friday, March 10, 2023: 03/09/23 - Another Day in Paradise


Daylight deer, more birds and I tended to the other farm needs this afternoon and grabbed some more firewood too.

Hope you enjoy and thank you for watching!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
3:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 14, 2023: 03/12/23 - Trail Camera Memory Card Dump/Time Lapse Video


From a forensic/intelligence perspective, a memory dump, whether a mini-dump (portion of memory) or a complete memory dump, is invaluable as it provides data on the most recent state of the local deer herd and its activities before the memory card was swapped out with another.

This video contains images off the memory card dump from the trail camera located @theotherfarm. The first and last images, the title cover & 'the end', are photographs taken this morning right here at home. I also included weather data for today, March 12, 2023 as well.

The cellular trail camera is a Tactacam REVEAL X model, the first cellular trail camera I ever purchased. The camera was placed back in mid July of 2022 and has remained fully operational ever since.

The camera was configured to capture both photograph and video, then each image becomes stored onto the memory card to be reviewed later. Only still photograph images could be viewed nearly real-time through Tactacam’s mobile cell phone application, which also allows the capability to download either a non HD image, and/or request a [HD] high definition image to be downloaded to the cell phone remotely.

All the data recovered from the trail camera ScanDisk memory card was compiled, sorted, filtered, compressed, edited, and now published for your viewing pleasure showing all of what occurred and when @theotherfarm from the end of December through March 9, 2023, just the other day when I tended to the feed site and cellular trail camera last.

This video is a time lapse that shows what all occurred during the specified time frame.

I filtered out any irrelevant images, such as nearly all the other small game species and birds. The video will primarily show mainly deer and predators; however, also included are some unauthorized individuals that appeared on the property [trespassers] as well. You are given the same opportunity to observe what the trail camera captured as did I. Each trail camera image of the unauthorized persons was given to the property owner as per the property owner's request.

All trail camera data was placed in consecutive order by way of timestamp, then compressed, and then edited to reduce the overall viewing length/time.

Originally, there was well over 400 gigabits of overall data that I was able to reduce to approximately 2,300 different individual image/video-clip files, resulting in just over 6 hours of total viewing time at normal speed. I sped the final compiled file up [4x] four times the normal viewing speed/time to reduce the overall viewing length/time down to 79 minutes, or approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes. Another words, it's long, but not nearly as long for you as it was for me.

This video does show all the deer and whatever predators that stepped in front of the Tactacam Reveal X cellular trail camera @theotherfarm from December 29, 2022, through March 09, 2023.

I hope you enjoy this video and thank you for watching!

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Supporting Member
Ross County
9:00 a.m., Sunday, March 19, 2023: 'Wild Turkeys'

Some Wild Turkeys @theotherfarm & a coyote @home this morning. Thought I'd go a head and share some birds that have been fairly actively lately for all the Turkey hunters. I wish you all the best of luck this year!



And it's down right chilly outside too.


Deer herd status is normal/good. Still have a few bucks holding on their antlers at both places as of last night as well.

Totally looking forward to Spring!
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Supporting Member
Ross County
5:30 p.m. Sunday, March 19, 2023: 'must be 'Turkey Day' cause they're back for dinner.




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