I have a 17 acre CRP warm season grass field that use to crawl with deer. Next to that I have 20 acres of early growth hardwoods that were all hand planted 10 years ago because my family loves the outdoors and wanted to be able to enjoy a healthy wildlife population on our property. My neighbor to my left as a corn field that sits directly next to my CRP field. He also has 3 acres of the thickest junk i've ever seen. My neighbor to the north has a 60 acre woodlot which is huge and almost unheard of in my part of the county. He also has 20 acres of pasture. My neighbor to the east of me has 120 acres of mixed woodlands, crop fields, and CRP fields. Really excellent deer habitat. What I am describing is what I consider some of the best habitat in my part of the county. I say this because as soon as you leave the four properties I just mentioned, it turns into a desert of huge crop fields, with tiny isolated wood lots. There is hardly even any fence lines left. The area i described was at one time the best hunting I believe in the northern part of the county. Now with the limit being 6 deer and all of the extended seasons we have experienced the last several years, I would get excited just to find a deer track in the snow. I just checked my trail cam which had been out for around a week. I have 3 does that I could tell were different that came in, two of them had broken legs. Of those two, one looked like he was bound to die. Also had one lone surviving little buck. This is over a pile of corn that in the past had been covered with deer. What was once an enjoyable hobby to me has turned into something completely different. I spent an hour the other day scraping the hunting decals off of my truck. I don't even wanna be associated with this crap any more, makes me sick. Senseless, needless slaughter. I will be spending a lot of time hunting squirrels and trapping next season.