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Wire Haired Dauchund


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
400 yds. Shooter (12-13 yrs old) done great! Said it was a tad high and produced a pic from video.

Trail was marked at 30 yd mark. Maxx blew past it like nothing....One logging trail....3~90° turns and Maxx went around the bush and ruffled a little..... lots of high 5's..... and then the deers tail and balls were gone. Maxx tore tail off and shredded his balls (yea, I'm cringing a little typing this)....
Try to load video but I dunno.... I did not take it.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
The testicle thing is new... and I've gotta say, a little disturbing! Watch out @giles!!

Honestly I was shocked too. But he was all wound up and wasn't hurting the mount so we kind of let him take some frustration out..... They were loading the deer in the truck and Maxx was airborne going with it... His prey drive is clear off the charts.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Got a couple pics yesterday. Here is the first one. Caller said shot biggest deer of my life and ran out of blood.

My first thought was this deer "Slipped the trackers" for sure!
(The PERFECT TRACK soon fell apart).
Getting ready, he sent a pic and I did not study it.... That much blood I'll look at the deer in detail in a little while.

This TC pic is taken on that blood trail!
Arrow is barely in deer! Gravity is taking blood and meat up the shaft...not penetration.
Blood trail dried quickly after arrow fell out. (120-40 yds). Maxx progressed it another 200-300 yds and we found a couple more spots of blood (less than pencil eraser size).But enough at right time for definite direction. We hit a dead end on a property with signs and nobody was home.
We covered 800-900 or more yds total. The track went straight up and down hills several times.... The deer's behavior was beyond the blood track going across the field. There was a couple chances to take a easy route but the deer wanted to go up-and-down the hollers instead.... SMH...
I am still baffled to how this deer survived after pumping the blood down that arrow as much as the first 85-100 yds.

I have offered to assist hunter again if he can gain permission for last property. It will be a grid search, but still trying.
I get too emotionally involved with these deer.... My brain will not let me quit until every avenue is exhausted.... 🤣🤣🤣

TC Pic of target.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Here is a funny to go with this track....
This is the third monster deer in a row he has shot in his grandmother's backyard. (Dead end road out in the country) I don't mean outback in the yard... I mean 12 to 15 feet off of the back patio right by the house! There is a Bartlett pear tree there an several deer eat in his backyard on a regular basis. His archery target is beside a Lg pine tree. (w/no low limbs) He sits there on the ground 30 yds from pears, and stands up before shooting!

Shooter likes 1.5" behind crease on front leg. I suggested getting away from that and move back 4-5 inches behind the front leg. Due to the fact that if a deer cannot breathe they cannot run. Lungs are bigger than hearts....
I sure hope this story has a happy ending....