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Worked long and hard for this one!


Junior Member
S.E. Ohio
Thought some of you might find this amazing creature interesting! I don't know how you stand on harvesting an albino and I really don't care. lol I have been hunting this thing since October. I feel blessed to have been giving the opportunity to harvest an animal this special and unique! If you want a challenge try and pick out 1 squirrel on your property and hunt it down and kill it! Its a lot harder than it seems. Every time I would see him I would have my bow if I had my .22 I would see deer I guess thats how it works! Well tonight everything came together and I was able to harvest the most unique squirrel I have ever seen in the woods! Now he will live on my wall to be seen and appreciated for year to come.


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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Dude that's an awesome trophy right there.... I've never seen one in the 40 years I've been hunting!!!! Congrats, looking forward too your mount....


Junior Member
S.E. Ohio
Thanks! I have only seen one other and it was in town so no hunting it. I will update with pics when I get the mount back


Junior Member
That is cool! Never seen an albino before. I had a piebald squirrel in our woods back when I was in high school. Never got a shot at it tho. Congrats


Junior Member
S.E. Ohio
Thanks all! Its eyes are glazed in the pic but it is a true albino red eyes and all pure white. Ive see some really light blond one on the internet and stuff and some pics of piebalds also. I was pretty pumped to finally close the deal with this one!