it has been a long and difficult season for me. I have been off work for three weeks and have averaged 8 to 9 hours a day in the stand. I don't know if we have any mature bucks anymore where I live, this is the second season in a row with no sightings of a buck that would score over 140 inches. p.a. is my warm up hunting for Ohio, but with not seeing anything to make me want to hunt in Ohio I stayed with my stands in p.a. this was the fifth legal buck I have seen over there all season, and it was also the biggest. he came across a beanfield early this morning on a brisk walk, the direction he was on would not have given me a shot so I grunted at him. he started my way swinging into the woods to come in down wind. he was still going to be about 40 yards away when all off a sudden he stopped,jumped back and swung closer. I stopped him the first time but there were two many limbs in the way, he started walking again and I stopped him at about 28 yards. shot was perfect and he only ran about 60 yards before falling. I didn't take anymore pictures of him, not that I am not happy, just am not a picture person. taking a break tomorrow and then I am going to see what I can scare up in Ohio. Bob