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Yo Jamie Miller


Senior Member
LOL, you guys are silly.

One of my hero's already did this. Chester Stevenson made a great many wooden recurve crossbows, some of which were absolutely magnificent in appearance. Exquisitely crafted by a true master bowyer. Apparently, he found them to be woefully inaccurate for hunting as compared to his English style Yew bows, and did not use them for hunting. Seeing how I barely constitute a drop of sweat on the backside of Chet Stevenson's nut sac, I'm willing to adopt his results as reliable. You all barking up the wrong tree.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
LOL, you guys are silly.

One of my hero's already did this. Chester Stevenson made a great many wooden recurve crossbows, some of which were absolutely magnificent in appearance. Exquisitely crafted by a true master bowyer. Apparently, he found them to be woefully inaccurate for hunting as compared to his English style Yew bows, and did not use them for hunting. Seeing how I barely constitute a drop of sweat on the backside of Chet Stevenson's nut sac, I'm willing to adopt his results as reliable. You all barking up the wrong tree.

You see that Hoot - Jamie tramped us - dang
Damn,. I have never kilt a deer wiff a crossbow . Carried one into the woods once. Decided way to damn heavy . But for a second there i had some hope . And miller , just because one man failed i would think your the man wiff enough drive to take up where he gave up . Any chance we can be expecting the prototype any thing me befor season is out this year .

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Damn,. I have never kilt a deer wiff a crossbow . Carried one into the woods once. Decided way to damn heavy . But for a second there i had some hope . And miller , just because one man failed i would think your the man wiff enough drive to take up where he gave up . Any chance we can be expecting the prototype any thing me befor season is out this year .

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I believe with all my heart that jamie is smarter then that guy and will get the job done .

Here a couple drawings he sent