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Your second choice?


Active Member
Athens County
Started with... Never ever thought I'd see the day a where a Marine initiated a retreat. ...but then he's just bitching, it all goes off the rails when the bitching stops .

I think the "world population" will self correct prior to the 3 or 4 decades being tossed around. Based on the genetic laboratory shenanigans and 8 billion breathing, eating, shitting genomes walking around in our earthly chicken coup for humans.

Depending on how you are mind set - you're lucky if you go early or lucky if deaths wide scythe just nicks you and you get to sit on a freeway afterward at mid-day and see no cars... for a month.

My dad's generation, "from the Outhouse to the Clubhouse" saw the time to Wow shrink from years to months. They adjusted and dealt with it, as will the vast majority of Americans.... the ones that are armed, trained and still hold our constitutional values as core beliefs will generally fair better if they're here to lend a hand making it better with me if I'm alive.
Not retreating....yet. But every good Marine has a plan B. You mention "the ones that are armed"...but if the left gain perpetual control, you will be a felon and thrown in jail if you own a firearm. That is my belief. Sure, you could chose to isolate, horde supplies, and try and survive but that's not a life for me. I would rather live out my last years a happy and unafraid man in another country than in a country under leftist control where the constitution is unrecognizable, the government decides your healthcare, what you can and cannot say, what is truth and what your value is based on what you look like. They've been at this agenda hard in the last 15 years and the right has nothing to counter it.
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Active Member
Athens County
Ok ok….Jesus I’ll change the subject 😆


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well. Here's the reality. The version of America we have in our heads, and that we believe is right, is not a God-given right. That is just our opinion and preference. The Republic was formed in a way that allows for change. As much as we hate pelosi, AOC and the other people we call idiots, the reality is voters put them there and consistently reelected them. Their constituents have a version of America in their head too. They are no more wrong than we are, it's just we have different opinions on what that should be. The America you know and want, is dying, in our generation, it will become unrecognizable from what it is today. Make no mistake, they're winning to get their version of America. To our angst however, that is the beauty of America. The people decide what they want, even if those people are fucking liberal idiots. Providing their version of America is within the limits of the constitution, who are we to say their version is wrong and ours is right? Unfortunately, we're at an impasse. In the divorce world that's called "irreconcilable differences." Neither side will ever reach an available solution The only thing that really remains is do we have a peaceful dissolution, or a hotly contested divorce over assets. We very well may find out in our lifetime. I don't see anyone moving to another country as retreating or giving up, people may not want to live in a banana republic where they're constantly persecuted. . Sometimes in a divorce, it's so ugly that even if you win, what remains wasn't worth fighting over. I personally don't think a meaningful portion of either side has what it takes to eliminate the other side forcefully. Yet. But it didn't take the Germans long to convince their population to turn a blind eye either. And lets not forget, they were ready and willing to turn that blind eye on you as soon as you refused the covid shot. They could have cared less if you died from a treatable illness, they deserved preferential medical care.
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