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Your yard, mowed it yet?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Mowing takes me 7 hours from road to backyard at home with a zero turn, push mow, and weed eat. It's all I do from now until August either at home or my camp. I absolutely hate it.

You need a bigger mower...or you need to plant some trees...or some CRP grass


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Got the oil changed and everything ready to go. But I won't have the kids start mowing till it really needs done. Dang its tough to watch my kids now.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Got up early this afternoon before work to get the yard mowed. I've been itching to try out the new mower and see how much time I would save with it. We upgraded from a 14hp Wheel horse with 38" cut to a John Deer x534, 4 wheel steer, 25hp and 48" cut. Before, I spent 4.5-5 hours on the mower each week. Today, it took me a little over two hours to cut the same amount. Granted, we've still got quite a bit of thin winter grass, but I still think I will be able to get it done in 2.5 hours. This makes me a very happy man!

The four wheel steer is kind of tough to get use to, but that combined with power steering is frigging sweet. It feels like your riding on a magic carpet. Talk about high speed turns too, there is no drag when you go to turn sharp, it just glides on through!
I put on weed & feed the other day
But it will be at least a week before I need to mow

As I just lost the last of the snow drift by my wood pile early this week

I have considered spraying the whole yard with RoundUp and mulching it
It might be cheaper in the long run LOL



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I mowed today. More or
Less just to
Mulch up the dog shit.
Now I'm chilling on the back deck listening to my brother next door mow his. Ahhh... The sounds of spring and summer.

Cooking on the grill here in a bit before heading to the ball field. 7 days a week at the field between HS and my own kids. Someday gonna miss this. Lol


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
Wow! What a beautiful weekend! The Lord surely blessed us with a dandy. Anyway, I picked up 4 dump bed loads of friggin pine cones this afternoon and I prolly have 2 more on the ground. I will try to get the rest of the yard picked up this week. Weather permitting, mow next weekend :-(

Big Weff

Junior Member
uploadfromtaptalk1397486532698.jpg just started mowing for the clientele yestetday, figured I better get the big ones before this rain hit


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
I just got my mower ready yesterday. Haven't mowed at the house yet but my dad got a golf coarse and I've spent a few hours mowing out there. Prolly all I'll get done between brush hogging the farm my house and the golf coarse.


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Too wet here still. Raining all day and freaking snow in the forecast. Grass is finally turning green and growing though, so as soon as it dries out I'll start cutting.